Do You Love Me

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Drake was leaving tomorrow morning and I was dreading every moment. These two weeks were a blast and I definitely had so much fun and took my mind off of everything even the fact that I was leaving to go back to Atlanta to make some real decisions about where I wanted my life to go. So tonight Drake finally was taking me to dinner and I loved me some food and wine. "Looking like I should take you right now" Drake said staring me down while he leaned up against the door frame. "Why thank you sir this dress has been sitting in the closet for months" I clipped on my earrings then grabbed my clutch.

He stuck out his arm and I gladly accepted "We make a cute couple don't you think" He said opening the limo door for me. "We do but too bad that will never happen" I smiled then pulled out my phone to take some pictures. "Yeah okay you know you can't resist all this" I busted out laughing this nigga was a fool. "Hopefully the next time I see you you have a gentleman on your arm. So I be the nice fatherly figure and ask him what are his plans with you" I scrunched up my face.

"I think not because I shouldn't be able to say I've slept with my fatherly figure before" I shook my head I had a wild past. "Oh yeah I forgot about that but since you brought it up -" I bought my hand up cutting him off "Don't finish whatever you were gonna say" We finally pulled up the restaurant and I was starving. The dinner was a blast but sometimes my stomach would feel weird like I was nervous or anxious. I think I knew the reason why but I just pushed it back to enjoy my time.

Once we got back home  I had to actually start packing which I didn't feel like doing. I was in a food coma and all I wanted to do was sleep "Look at you all teary eyed" Drake said sitting on the bed. "You wish but if I was really wishing I would of thought you had a home in Atlanta. Staying in a hotel is not my ideal type of stay" I sighed taking a break. "That's why you have friends and that house you share with what's his name....Dave" I shooed him away if he thought I was gonna stay with Dave. "Your nuts I'll just look for an apartment now that I'm raking in the dough" I laughed.

"And on that note I'm out I'm going to bed" He closed the door behind him. I grabbed my phone and texted Alexis what hotel I would be staying at. I finished packing and by two I finally went to bed. "You wake up nigga" I groaned confused by why I was waking up. I opened my eyes and looked at the time and its only five. "Better have a good excuse as to why you waking me up" I looked at him and all he did was smile.  "Bitch did you forget I have a tour now give me sugar" I got up and gave him a tight hug.

"Don't forget I exist Aubrey I will hunt you down" I went right back to sleep because I barely got any hours in. I woke up at four which was perfect my flight was at eight, I took a shower and put on my outfit then grabbed something to eat. It was gonna be a chill day until I'm back in Atl.


I collapsed back on the hotel bed the same I was just on two weeks. This week Alexis was gonna hook me up with looking for apartments because this was not living the life besides the room service. My heart had been racing ever since I landed and at first I thought I was dying but because it was something else.

After all this I actually knew who I wanted. I knew who I loved after these two weeks its just becoming more and more clear. I didn't think it would be him since we haven't had sex in years it was just more of witty banter than anything. I felt like he was the one that I was meant to marry and the one to carry his kids.

I paced back and forth anxious as to what I should do. It wasn't like I was seeing him anytime soon and this is something I wanted to say in person. I grabbed some wine and drank straight from the bottle. I grabbed my phone and called Kennedy just to see what she would do "Hey mami its almost midnight what you up to" I took a deep breath and told her everything and she was practically giddy. All she did was scream in the call "See I knew it in fact everybody did we were just waiting for you to realize it" I rolled my eyes.

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