Dave Do You Love Me

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"Aww I'm so happy for you but are you sure" I smiled and nodded this was nothing I was more sure of. "Then go now nigga you obviously know where he live at and if he ain't up not like he can kick you out" I grabbed my car keys feeling all excited. "See this is why I love you the way I do" I blew Drake a kiss and went downstairs. It was very rare Dave was gonna be up but I did still have the keys.

I opened the front door and the backyard lights were on. I kicked off my shoes and went to the back and Dave was just chilling in a lounge chair smoking. "Why am I not surprised to see you doing that" He looked at me and just lit up. "What do I owe this surprise to...come I don't bite" I put my hair in a ponytail and sat next to me. "Well I wanted to talk to you about something" He nodded. "Well I know its been so long about everything and I was the one that left but Dave I still love you" I put my head in my lap "Jaycee-" I cut him off just wanting to let me finish first.

"And I don't know if your even seeing anybody because I could careless but I had to tell you this." He grabbed my hand placing it on his bare chest. "Jaycee-" I cut him off once again it was just a habit. "And I'm sorry it took me so long if you don't feel the same its just I can't date anybody else" He laughed kissing me. "Bro shut up you know damn well I will always love your ass" I smiled back "Yeah I know but I had to be dramatic" He sighed though.

"Jaycee I got to tell you something and I don't know how thats gonna affect how I feel" The only thing that could possibly send me packing was if Dreamy moved in or had his baby. Because that bitch was gonna die every time I see her "Hmm what is it" He grabbed both my hands and looked in my eyes. "I'm having a baby Jaycee...I'm having a damn baby and its not with your ass" I closed my eyes just trying to process everything. "That's fun isn't it whew" I paced around the pool. "What it planned David" I said as I continued to walking around. "No if course not Im pretty sure i was drunk because when I'm sober all I do is think about your ass" I squatted down just putting my head between my legs.

"Jaycee I'm sorry" He came over to me wrapping his arm around you but I shrugged it off. "I gotta go I'm tired see you later Dave" I rushed out before he could even say anything. I didn't wanna know anything else about him being a father this is why I'd left for that year and I wanted to be gone for ten more. He kept calling my phone but I just let it ring each and every time until I got back to the hotel.

Drake soon called me and he was in for a a fearful "Jay why niggas texting me to call you...why did you kill or beat" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Nobody but since he wanna tell you that did he tell you that his ass is having a baby" Drake looked stunned and was just looking everywhere. "Damn that ain't in my book well is it with that Dreamy skank because if it is leave Dave alone. I don't want you dealing with her st all" I stared up at the ceiling with my phone resting on my chest.

"I ain't ask because I would of beat him up Drake. He should of stopped me while I was professimg my love. Now I just look like a cute idiot in love" He laughed. "I'm sure he probably did but you just love running off the mouth. But just talk to him so you can make an informed decision please" I knew he was right but that was just gonna have to wait until I was ready.

In the morning I dressed real casual to go over to Kennedy's house. "Hey sissy you look good" She said letting me in. "I need a full night sleep that's what I need" I went over to her couch laying down. "Today's gonna be a free nigga day but Kailee is coming though so just a nice heads up" I turned my head looking at her. "Could of told me that while I was still in bed. Would of gladly stayed in my bed" She shook her head playing in my hair. "When y'all gonna make up I love you both so much" I closed my eye.

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