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"Ain't that some shit Jaycee hanging out with Drake" Xavier said laughing showing me the various photos that circulated on the Instagram. "Im happy if she happy I ain't no bitter dude" I was surprised that she got to meet Drake but it was great for her and her future business moves. "I wish I was dude have my shawty post a flick of some dude staring at her ass. She wouldn't hear the end of my mouth" I ignored his comments as I rolled up.

"I'm only in this shit because of you nigga at the end of the day we getting back together" I looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders "Fine whatever now didn't you have some ultrasound shit with her today" I sighed we did but Kailee said Jaycee was staying back and going by herself. "Your in my business a lot what's up with you....Been on my couch for two days straight" He laughed getting up looking in my fridge.

"Just needed space from the lady thats all plus thought you could use the company since you all alone and shit" He laughed which I didn't understand nothing was funny. "I'll be upstairs because your annoying me" I went upstairs locking the door behind me. I went on my phone and facetimed Jaycee hoping she would answer.

"Hey Dave" She smiled and I smiled. She was wearing a bathing suit and I could hear loud music in the background. "Hey Jaycee just wanted to know how the appointment went" Her facial expression changed up. "Let me go inside real quick" She dropped down the phone angling it to where all I saw was her ass move in her bathing suit. "Well long story short Im actually not pregnant" She sighed and if she wasn't my love of my life I would've balled out in tears.

"What do you mean but you said the tests were positive" It was like everything was coming down. "They were but the doctor said that can happen especially cause of my blood pressue. Im sorry I knew how bad you wanted a baby" I shook my head "Don't apologize babe's well try again....When do you come back" She finally cracked a smile. "Tommorow night and well discuss shit then but I gotta get back to the Party" She hanged up and I stared at the screen a little after.

I went downstairs to see Xavier and two half naked bitches holding my dogs. "Yo what the fuck Is this" I grabbed the dogs placing them on the floor. "Bro they here to entertain us meet Candy and Sugar" I crossed my hands this nigga must of lost some brain cells. "I came down here to tell ya ass go home Jaycee coming back tommorow" He sucked his teeth sipping on something brown. "Give up bro y'all attached either way cuz of y'all kid" I walked up to him whispering to him that she wasn't pregnant.

"That's even better bro you not trapped no more. Now pick a lady they both flexible" I grabbed her shirt. "Bro get the fuck out Jaycee is the only one I'll ever fucking entertaining. And I swear by your daughter if I don't get her back I'm hunting ya ass down" I grabbed the puppies and headed upstairs. Xavier was out his god damn mind doing this shit like he had no care in the world.

I grabbed my phone and called my sister "Hey Bro Bro how you doing" I laughed I loved talking to my sister. "I kicked Xavier dumbass out he went too extra in my own house" She shook her head "Bout time that nigga just ain't taking the break up easy" She said passing the phone to Jaheim. "So what you gonna do bout Jaycee because she out here living the best" He laughed.

"Hush now anyways imma ask her to come to my mixtape release Party as friends and just get back in here good graces. I don't need her hating her baby daddy" It probably wasn't the best timing to have a baby with us both coming up in our business. Its just something that I've always wanted and to have but I know it happen when it needs to.

"Good idea brother you know how she is when she get drunk" Kailee said screaming in the background. "I ain't tryna get in her slimmy jimmies that's the last thing im thinking about for once" I laughed knowing me and Jaycee sex life was for sure a highlight we both were animals when we were tipsy. "Yeah okay acting like we both don't know you" Jaheim added in. "Get off my phone Nigga" I turned on my tv and Fifty shades was on and I just kept it on.

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