Big Bank

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"I don't even feel like getting up I just wanna lay down all day" I sighed rolling over watching Drake play his video game. "But sadly you can't because you made a commitment so go hop in that shower with ya dirty ass" I smushed his head and went to his bathroom. This entire week I've stayed with Drake and sometimes went back to my house.

It was honestly like I was living a double life on some real Hannah Montana shit. But he helped me with my store which is opening next week and helping me do my own clothing line.  I showered up and did my makeup "So you excited to see all your friends" Drake yelled. "Nigga I've seen them yesterday" I walked back inside the room grabbing my duffel bag for my perfume. "Oh yeah I forgot because then you came back all over me" I shook my head in disbelief. "Its the other way around partner couldn't keep your hands to yourself" He laughed pausing his game.

"Man whatever now have fun for us both and come back at a decent time" I laughed lotioning up my leg "Yeah okay father don't you have plans today" He shook his head. "Im free as a bird I was gonna take ya ass out but you ditching me" He fake cried for a second. "I told you to come but you don't want to do but if I come back and not tired we can go out Deal" He nodded getting up. "That's what im talking bout babes" He wrapped his arm around my waist placing his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah okay now leave me be I gotta get ready" I put on my outfit and heels and admired myself in the mirror. "Have fun now" I smiled back at him as I walked out. He was letting me borrow his driver for the night since he predicted I was gonna get drunk. I was a little nervous since I was staying at Drakes and it was no secret at this time. Once I pulled up I could see the light flashing and Dave's voice blasting through the speakers, I walked through trying to spot these bitches. Once I did I walked up to them so excited "JAYCEEE" Alexis, Kennedy and Kailee said hugging up on me.

"I've missed you bitches" I said sitting next to them. "You've been living it up with the fancy stars now" Jaheim added in laughing. "Oh hush up mister nba player" I poured myself a drink and sat back. "So how you been you've been quite distant" Desus said. "Good its just a breath of fresh air but don't worry im coming back soon" I smiled looking around for Dave. "He's by the dj booth honey go get em tiger" Kailee said patting my leg. I got up and went over and he was just swaying with a drink and smile.

"Hey pal" I whispered in his ear and he turned around giving me a bear hug. "Its about time ya ass arrived thought you were gonna flake" I scrunched up my face "I wouldn't miss it for the world now let's drink and party" I grabbed his hand and went back to the group. At the end of the night we were all tipsy but Dave was on the dancefloor with some girl. I know it was my decision to just be friends but it was Strange to see him with somebody else.

"I think I'm gonna go" I said with a sigh. I gave them all hug and walked out without saying bye to Dave. I went back to Drake who was in the living room watching basketball "Look who's back and drunk" He said giving me a hug. "I know I'm gonna go change real quick" I went upstairs and washed my face of my makeup and put on some shorts and a sports bra. I went back downstairs and layed on Drake as he screamed at the television.

He massaged my butt barely paying attention to him until commercials came on "So had fun" I looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah I for sure downed like two bottles" He laughed kissing me on the cheek. For some reason I wanted more...I wanted him and I had no reason why. He made my area down there skip a heart beat "Aren't you the cutest" I got up straddling him. "Woah ma sure you know what you doing" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. I pulled back and he lowered his hands firmly squeezing my ass "You sure about this" I nodded giving him another kiss.

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