I got engaged

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Chapter 71.

Kayla's POV:

Ginny, Evie and I were squealing about me being engaged to Draco.

"Evie, has Ryan asked you anything?" I asked. I thought he would since they have been together for, like, ever and they act like they are married.

"No, but I am hoping he is going to ask tonight. He said that he and I will go out tonight and celebrate," Evie said.

"I hope he proposes! You and him have been together forever."

"Same, what about you and Harry?" Evie asked Ginny.

"Well, I don't want to get married yet, plus I want to finish school before I get married, or get proposed to, whichever comes first," she joked.

"Well, Harry is lucky to have you, plus you can keep him out of trouble now," I suggested.

"Definitely. He is not dying on me anytime soon, that's for sure."

"Well, I need to go talk to Harry, I doubt he will be happy, but I still want to tell him."

"Okay, well, he is over there with Ron." Ginny pointed to her boyfriend.


I walked over to Harry.

"What do you want?" Ron spat.

"I want to speak with Harry. Alone," I added.

"No, you either don't speak to him or you speak to him with me and Hermione here," he said.

"Oh, I am glad you two finally got together, it was painful to watch the both of you dance around each other and not even know that you both liked each other. Fine, I will tell Harry here. Harry, Draco and I just got engaged and I am pregnant."

"You're pregnant? The engaged part I understand, but pregnant?"

"Well, you know that day that I was feeling sick and I was puking? Well, I didn't have a stomach bug. I found out I was pregnant. I have 5 months left. I am planning on having my wedding before then, probably next month," I said.

"Why did you lie to me?" he asked, kind of hurt.

"I only told Ginny and Evie. I couldn't risk anyone else knowing. I would become and instant target with me being a Death Eater and all."

"Okay, well, I am happy for you," Harry said.

"You're happy for me? But two hours ago you were yelling at me for being with him, like usual," I said, a bit surprised.

"Well, I forgive you, and his mum is the reason I am alive, so can we just forget about it?" he asked.

"Of course." I gave him a hug and ran off to find Draco.

"Draco, Harry is happy for us." I said once I had found him.

"That's good, I guess," he said, trying (and failing) to hide a sadness from his voice.

"What's wrong, Draco?" I asked.

"My father is being taken to Azkaban, but he is going to have a hearing first. I hope he doesn't have to go. I know my mother would be very upset, and I don't want her to be."

"I'm here for you, Draco, I promise. We will do everything to keep him out of Azkaban, okay?" I said.

"Okay." He smiled and took my hand. "Let's go home."

"Home?" I asked.

"Home." He smiled as we ran to the Potions room and to the fire. We took some flu powder and quickly appeared in Draco's manor.

"Draco, I can't live here in your manor. Death Eaters used to roam here."

"This isn't my manor. Well, technically, it is, but this is my summer manor, just decorated the same. Don't worry, we can change it to how we like it. My mother said that we can have it. And my father was pleased when I told him I was going to marry you. By the way, my parents were even happier when they found out about the little one," he explained.

"Okay, I can live with this, just so long as we change the decor, like, really soon, because this is kinda creepy," I said.

"Of course, believe me, I don't like it either," Draco agreed.

"I'm glad, otherwise, I might have to reconsider the proposal," I joked.

"Not funny," he said. 

A/N: sorry about how they keep getting smaller and smaller but I am nearing the end.

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