Draco's room

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Chapter 16.

Kayla's POV:

I walked up to his room. I hope he wasn't going to surprise me with all of his friends waiting to throw water at me or something. I wasn't sure he would do that but since I like him and I have only been told this, apparently my imagination carries me away sometimes and I don't notice anything because I like that person. I knocked on the door and he opened it immediately. "Hi Draco," I said shyly stepping into his room. "Hi Kayla, come in, this is my side of the room and you probably don't want to venture into the other side because that's where Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle sleep." Draco said. I took a seat on his bed since it was the only place to sit. "So, this is a big room although you have to share it with more people. My room is a lot smaller than this because I have to share it with one person, although that one person has literally got enough make up, perfume and jewelry to make 10 people." I told him. He smiled then looked away. "So, I guess I should tell you what I was going to say and stuff." he started saying. "But you promise that you aren't doing the dare or anything and this isn't part of the dare because I don't want to say all this stuff then have your friends rush in saying the dare worked or whatever." he said. "Of course. I promise I am not doing the stupid dare," I turned red thinking about what would happen if I followed through with the dare. "Okay well then I guess I can tell you. I don't want to be your friend because I don't like you... shit that didn't sound good. What I am trying to say is that I don't want to just be friends. I like you Kayla, I like you a lot. Whenever you smile it makes me so happy. Shit I should stop talking before you think I am a creep. So that's it, I just wanted to tell you I like you." he said. "Holy shit I am so happy you said that. I am so glad I didn't have to tell you how I feel, I feel a lot better now that you have gotten that off your chest." I let out a sigh of relief. I am so happy I didn't tell him how I feel because I would of blabbed for ever or I would have just not gotten to the point and he would hate me. "So, now that I have said how I feel about you are you going to tell me who you feel about me?" he asked. I was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to but then again I needed him to know. "I like you." I simply said. "Like how, like like or just like as in a friend like?" he asked worriedly. "Like like." I told him. "Like like, like this?" he came over to me and kissed me on the lips. I felt my head spin and my cheeks go as hot as lava.

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