I hate Pansy

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Chapter 4.

Draco's POV:

I was standing outside with my friends Crabbe and Goyle, Pansy was hanging of my arm and acting like even more of a slut than usual. Pansy liked me a lot, everyone knew, she made it so obvious. She has this stupid nickname for me, it is ridiculous she calls me "Dracy, you're daydreaming again." Pansy said stupidly. "Would you fucking get off me, you are so annoying!" I yelled at her. I did not like Pansy, I would use her to get to people though, that's the only reason she is still around. I hated Pansy, I liked someone else, she is really pretty and she is a pureblood but she gets mad at me when I talk about blood status, she acts like it doesn't matter. I agree to some point it doesn't matter but mudbloods do not deserve to live a life full of magic when they shouldn't have been born with magic in the first place. "But Dracy pooh, I did nothing wrong. I'm not annoying!" Pansy said in a huff. I don't really care if she is happy, unhappy, annoying or not, it doesn't make a difference. I don't like her and she needs to respect that and stop being a bitch clinging on to me all the time. "Yes you did, and do NOt call me Dracy pooh. Crabbe, Goyle, we are going to the library, Pansy you can't come!" I said walking away. "But Draco, we can't read," Goyle said. "Well too fucking bad because I can! So when I say we are going to the library it means I am going to the library to ditch you and for you to get lost somewhere in the castle," I walked off. I was a fast walker because I have long legs and I am very impatient so I walk fast. Crabbe and Goyle tried to catch up but I was too fast for them, I knew that they would get distracted by food before they got to the library so I will have plenty of time to just be alone. I went into the library and sat down and read a book.

A/N: this chapter isn't very good but whatevs. 

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