You're a Death Eater?

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Chapter 69.

Kayla's POV:

"Evie, where is Ginny?" I asked hurriedly.

"In the Great Hall with the rest of them," Evie sobbed.

I gave her a quick hug. "Who are the rest of them?"

"The others who are being tortured: Neville, Seamus, and some others."

I walked to the Great Hall.

"Carrows, stop right now!" I yelled, gaining the attention of everyone.

"Now, why would we do that?"

"I have heritage that should be respected. You should know about it."
"Sorry, Miss, as you wish."

"Good, leave the room, I wish to speak to them alone."

The Carrows quickly scurried out of the Great Hall.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked.

Everyone was looking at me in bewilderment. Shit, now I have to explain how they listened to me. Well, I suppose everyone would find out eventually. And it is better they know I am on their side and just faking being on Voldemort's side.

"How did you do that?" Neville asked.

Ginny gave me a thankful look with a worried expression, she knew I would have to tell them.

"I have my ways. I can't explain them right now, but just know that I am on your side. Anyway, I should get going. Ginny, Evie, can you come with me?"

"Sure." They followed me out.

"Carrows, don't hurt anyone without asking me first, and you need to give me a reason for torturing them."

"As you wish."

"What is it you wanted to tell us?" Ginny asked.

"I needed to tell you that I am Voldemort's niece and an heir to Slytherin. Voldemort knows about me and Draco. I am to stay in the Room of Requirement, and I want you to stay with me. I want you to stay safe with me."

"We can't. We are sorry, but it will be safer for you if we aren't around. They will come for us, and we don't want them to come for you. Won't Draco will keep you safe?" Evie said and winked.

"Really, Evie, now is not the time for things like that. Well, since you aren't coming, I need to go find Draco. We need to start preparing."

"Alright, stay safe." My two friends walked away, leaving me in the middle of the hallway.

I started to walk to the Room of Requirement. Draco said that he would meet me there, so I hope he is already waiting. After walking through a few more crowded hallways, I found the room and walked in.

"I was getting worried something had happened to you," Draco said, pulling me into his arms as soon as I had entered the room.

"Sorry, I was talking with Evie and Ginny."

"It's fine, as long as you and the baby are safe, that's all that matters to me." He smiled and pulled me to the middle of the room.

Waiting for us was a green sofa. He sat down and pulled me down next to him.

"I love you, Draco."

"I love you too, Kitten."

Soon after, my arm started to burn. Voldemort was calling the Death Eaters, but I wasn't sure if he would want me to go to him.

"Kayla, we have to go. He's calling us."

"But he told me to stay here and to stay safe," I said, unsure of what to do.

"Is your arm burning?"

I nodded my head up and down.

"He will want you then. If your arm burns, then he wants you to go to him, if it doesn't burn then he doesn't want you," Draco explained.

We ran to Voldemort's hiding place.

"Hex, I am glad you came. I wasn't sure you would for a minute." Voldemort looked as cold as ever as he twirled the Elder Wand in between his long, spindly fingers.

"Of course, I came, anything for you, My Lord." The words burned my throat as I spoke them due to pure hatred.

"Good, good. I just wanted to tell you that we will retreat in ten minutes, in which time, Harry will come meet me in the forest where his life will end. You may go now, Mr Malfoy, I assume you are taking care of her, correct? Because if you aren't, you know what is going to happen," Voldemort said, malice filling his voice with the threat.

"Of course, My Lord," Draco said, bowing his head slightly.

"Come, Draco, let's go."

Draco and I ran back to the Room of Requirement. Just as we closed the door again, Harry, Hermione and Ron came rushing in.

"What are you doing here?" Draco demanded.

"We could ask the same to you."

"Well, if you must know, I am keeping Kayla safe," Draco snapped.

"Who else is here?" Harry asked.

"I am," Blaise said, coming out from hiding.
"What are you doing here, Blaise?"

"Goyle is also here," he added, ignoring my question.

Harry and the others drew their wands at us.

"What do you think you are doing?" I yelled.

"He's a Death Eater! You know that!" Harry yelled.

"So what? So am I!"

I couldn't keep it in anymore.

"None of us asked for this! Why can't you stop being so selfish? You could actually help the people who are dying around you. You know that they are dying because of you! Draco and I have done nothing to hurt you, so leave us the hell alone."

"You're a Death Eater?"

"Well, no shit! I just told you I am." I pulled up my sleeve.

Harry, Hermione and Ron gasped.

"That's not the only thing! I am Voldemort's niece. Shocked? Yes, well, I was too. But guess what? I have done nothing to hurt you, so don't do this please," I said, anger spilling.

"How could you?" Harry asked, obviously hurt. This dumbass.

"I didn't get a fucking choice. It was either this or everyone I love will die. Sorry, be killed!" I yelled.

A raging orange blaze appeared from behind a few drawers and Crabbe ran out from them, yelling.

Draco and I climbed to higher ground trying to not be consumed by the furious heat.

I watched in horror as Crabbe lost his grip and fell from the stack of trash.

Luckily, Harry, Hermione, and Ron saved Draco, Blaise and I by lifting us onto brooms and flying out of the Room of Requirement.

As soon as we got out of the room, Harry apologised to me and Draco, and I went to find another safe place.

Younger students fell to the floor as Voldemort entered their minds. Draco and I didn't have trouble with it because when Voldemort found out about us Draco and I learnt how to block Voldemort out. The Death Eaters fled into the forest and I knew Harry was going to go after him and die. I had hoped that if everyone came against Voldemort, we could win. I was on the good side, not the bad, so he didn't stand a chance with me gone. 

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