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Chapter 10.

Draco's POV:

I was holding her in my arms, she was crying her heart out and I didn't know why. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I don't exactly know, it's my friends and this stupid dare. Shit I said too much." she ran off. I was assuming to the common room so I went after her. I walked slowly as to give her some time to gather her thoughts. I finally got to the common room, it was totally empty except for a small figure sitting in front of the fire. "Kayla are you okay? What dare are you talking about? Do you need e to beat anyone up?" I asked. "No," she sniffed. "Are you sure?" I asked again sitting down next to her. "Kayla, are you okay?" Evie and Ginny said as they rushed in. "Go away, I don't want to talk to you at the moment!" she said. "Oh, because you are with Draco, we get it, don't worry, we will leave you two alone." Ginny said. "NO THAT'S IT! I AM NOT DOING THIS STUPID DARE, GO AWAY!" she yelled. "You have to do the dare, it's a dare!" Evie said. "NO I FUCKING DON'T!" She yelled. "Evie, Ginny if she wants to be alone, let her be alone!" I said to them. They walked out of the common room talking about something to do with ths dare. "Please tell me what dare you are talking about!" I said. "It's kinda a long story, do you have time?" she asked. "Always." I replied.

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