I do

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Chapter 72.

Kayla's POV:

~~~~One month later~~~~

"Where is Ginny? She is supposed to be doing my hair, and, Evie, can you hurry up and do my makeup already?" I asked.

"Calm down, we don't need to rush. The bride can be fashionably late," Evie said.

"Well, I want to get married before I can barely walk." The baby weighed more than I had expected.

"Don't worry about it, it will be fine. Ginny, stop talking to Harry and get your butt over here," Evie ordered.

"Coming. How do you want your hair styled?" she asked.

"I don't know, you choose. Half-up, half-down, or something?" I offered.

"Okay, half in a bun, the rest curled and let loose," Ginny suggested.

"Yes, but you know my hair is curled already, so you don't need to curl it," I responded.

"I know, but I could have said to straighten it," she said.

"No, just get on with it please," I replied, impatience finding its way to my voice.

"I'm going, I'm going." She started doing my hair.

I started to relax a bit.

"Done," Evie said.

I looked in the mirror. Evie had finished doing my makeup and it looked perfect.

"It's perfect, thank you, Evie!" I gave her a hug.

"Hold still, Kayla, or I can't do your hair," Ginny said.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"I'm nearly done so you don't have to worry about staying still for too much longer."

"Okay. Then I need to get into my dress," I said to my friends.

"Yeah, yeah, you do. I will go get it," Evie said, rushing off to find it.

Ginny finished doing my hair and Evie came back with my dress.

I slipped into the beautiful white gown and Evie attached a train to my back.

"Kayla, you look drop dead gorgeous!" Evie said happily.

"Thank you, but I couldn't have done it without you two."

"Anytime! That's not an invitation to keep getting married because you are sticking with Draco," Evie added quickly.

"Don't worry, I get what you mean."

"Well, the ceremony is going to start in a minute so you need to be ready!" Ginny said excitedly.

The music started playing and I walked with Ginny and Evie to the entrance. They quickly walked in, as they were bridesmaids. Everyone stood up and Harry appeared next to me, holding out his arm for me to take it. The doors opened, and I started walking down the aisle. Harry walked beside me, in place of where my now-deceased father should be. (After the war, I found out that he was killed. My mother was still alive but was very sick and the doctors didn't think she will live.)

At the end of the aisle was Draco in a black tuxedo. He looked more handsome than ever. His tired eyes were gone and were replaced with bright ones, despite the happy tears trailing down his face. I smiled as I approached Draco, tears threatening to spill from my eyes too.

Evie and Ginny took my bouquet as I faced Draco.

Draco took my hands in his.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two people, Kayla Hex and Draco Malfoy."

The speech went on for a while. I just wanted to stop the minister and kiss Draco, but I knew that I couldn't.

"Kayla Hex, your vows."
"Draco Malfoy, you have been a git many times before. I hated you. But, thanks to a certain two people, I started getting closer to you. I got to know you. I cried with you and for you. I've loved you and I've hated you. I love you more than anything now, and I want to be with you for my life."

"Draco Malfoy, your vows."

He smiled. "Kayla, from the moment I saw your beautiful face, I knew that something would happen between us. Whether it was good or bad, I had no clue, but, right now, I couldn't be happier that it was good. You are such an amazing person, and I love you more than words can explain. I am so amazed that I get to call you my wife."

The minister turned from Draco to me.

"Do you, Kayla Alexandra Hex, take this man, Draco Lucius Malfoy, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward, until death do you part."

I smiled. "I do."

"Do you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take this woman, Kayla Hex, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward, until death do you part."

"I do," Draco said, smiling.

"You may kiss the bride."

Draco leaned in and gave me a kiss.

The crowd broke into cheers and we soon left for the reception.

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