Writing to my parents

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Chapter 49.

Kayla's POV:

I can't believe the nerve of Potter. He knows I love Draco. I have told him, Ginny has told him, and I am sure everyone else has told him. What would he do if Ginny was a Death Eater and she was dangerous? She wouldn't hurt him and he would know that she didn't join them willingly. He would still love her and be with her. And so that's what I am doing. My mother always told me to follow my heart. That reminds me, I need to write to her and father about me and Draco.

"Draco, have you told your parents about us?" I asked.

"No, not yet, I was just thinking about doing it in a minute," he replied.

"I haven't either but I am going to. I want my parents to know that I am very happy," I told him.

"Okay. I want my parents to like you but my father is very hard to please. I think if he knows you are a Death Eater too then he will like you more. My mother will like you as long as you make me happy, which you do." He smiled and got up. "I will go write that letter now. I will talk to you in half an hour, Kitten." He gave me a kiss on the head and walked into his room. I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to write my letter to my parents.

Dear Mother and Father,

Hogwarts is going very well, and, as you have probably heard, I am a Death Eater. I have finished my first task and have the mark.

I have some exciting news. Draco Malfoy asked me out, and I said yes. Mother, father, I love him very much. He is very sweet towards me and he is even nice to my friends. He loves me and I love him. I hope I can have your blessings of letting me go out with him. We have been on a few dates, and tomorrow we are going to Hogsmeade together. Harry Potter doesn't like me being with Draco, though. He says that he will hurt me. But I know Draco. He wouldn't hurt anyone unless he absolutely had to, and even then he would find it hard. Plus, I will not allow Potter to rule over my life.

Draco and I went ice skating yesterday. It was the most fun I have had since Professor Umbridge arrived. For some reason she is afraid of Draco's father, do you know why?

Lots of Love, Kayla

I finished my letter and sent it off using my owl called Aura. She was a black owl with green eyes.

After I had sent her on her way with the letter, I went to the common room.

I saw that Draco was already sitting there waiting for me. I went over silently and draped my arms around his neck, then gave his cheek a peck.

"Did you finish writing your letter?" I asked.

"Yes, all done. My owl has been sent on its way. If my parents answer the letter right away, I should have a letter back in an hour or so," Draco said.

"I have finished mine as well. I told them everything, well, except for sleeping with you," I answered, a pink tint creeping up my cheeks.

"Well, that would make sense since I am sure our parents wouldn't be too happy if they found out. Even though nothing happened. But if something were to happen I am sure they wouldn't want to know about it," Draco said.

"Exactly why I didn't tell them."

"Do you want to keep hanging off my neck or do you want to come sit down next to me?" 

The Dare (Draco Malfoy Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora