Harry Potter is dead

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Chapter 70.

Draco's POV:

After a short amount of time, Kayla and I decided to go help tend to the wounded.

We knew Harry was dead, we could sense it.

Death Eaters raged into the castle and we all came out from the Great Hall.

"Harry Potter is dead."

Ginny let out a cry of sadness and anger. She loved Harry and now he was gone.

The rest of us were next.

"Who will join me?" Voldemort asked.

He looked at Kayla expectantly but we stayed put. Kayla was next to me with our hands entwined. I could resist the Dark Lord, but if Kayla went over, I would follow.

"Draco, come here, now," Father whispered, angry that I hadn't already come.

I resisted, but when my mother asked, of course, I went over. Kayla followed behind me.

"Draco, Kayla. Good, now who else?" he asked while giving me and Kayla a very awkward hug.

Kayla and I slipped away and went to my parents. Kayla's parents were nowhere to be seen; they had either been killed or they had fled after Harry was killed.

Neville Longbottom, that stupid Gryffindor, decided to go make a speech. He then attacked Nagini, which was a very bad idea, but Neville managed to kill the snake with the Sword of Gryffindor.

Harry suddenly rolled out of Hagrid's arms and started fighting Voldemort.

Kayla and I went inside the Great Hall to help the others ward off the Death Eaters. Ron's mum stepped in front of Ginny and quickly killed Bellatrix. To be honest, I was very surprised. The woman looked so kind, I didn't expect her to have so much rage inside of her.

Soon it was just against Harry and Voldemort. They both had their wands in front of them, ready to fire any spell at any given moment.

"Avada Kedav--"


Voldemort's spell bounced off of Potter's and he fell to the floor, dead.

Kayla rushed over to Harry and congratulated him on killing Voldemort. Then she came back to me and gave me the most passionate kiss she has ever given.

"I love you so much, Malfoy!" she said into the kiss.

"I love you more than you love me!" I said.

"Do not! I love you more than you could ever love me."

"Well, too bad, I love you more so that's that."

"You can't prove it," she said with a sly grin.

"Oh, really?" I reached into my pocket and pulled out a ring. "Kayla Hex, will you continue to make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I asked with a smirk, knowing I had won.

"Of course! But that doesn't prove anything," she said, poking her tongue out at me. I slipped the ring onto her finger and stood up.

"Actually, it does. It shows you I love you so much I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Fine, you win. But I still love you more."

"How about we love each other the same amount?" I asked.

"Deal. Now, let's go. I have to tell everyone the good news!" she said, dragging me into the Great Hall. "Evie! Ginny!" Kayla yelled.

Ginny turned her attention away from Harry's face for a second before giving him another kiss and running over to Kayla. Evie left Ryan for a minute and followed Ginny. Kayla had run up to them a bit, so I walked a bit faster to stay with her.

I put my arm around her waist.

"Guys, I'm getting married. He just asked me."

The three of the squealed and jumped up and down.

"You are acting like teenage girls," I complained.

"Draco, we are teenage girls, remember?" Kayla stated.

"Right, well, I am going to go talk to Blaise before I lose my hearing." I walked off in the direction of my best friend. "Blaise, will you stop snogging Millicent and come here?"

"Demanding. Millicent, love, I will be right back." Blaise came over to me.

"You and Millicent?"

"You and Kayla?"

"Kayla has a personality, Millicent doesn't. Also, Kayla is carrying my child so . . . shit, I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked.

"Kayla has your baby, but how?" he asked.

"Well, when a guy and a girl are more than lovers stuff happens and, well, you know," I said, laughing. I knew he didn't mean it like that, but when someone asks something like that, I have to reply like that.

"Anyway, that's not what I was going to tell you. Kayla and I are engaged. I just asked her and she said yes, and now she is screaming about it with her friends."

"Wow, okay. Congratulations," Blaise said, then walked back to Millicent.

"Whatever." I thought to myself.

A/N: I hope you like it. only a few more chapters to go before it is finished.

The Dare (Draco Malfoy Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora