Killing Pansy

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Chapter 30.

Kayla's POV:

I knew Pansy was going to skive this class, and I knew she would be at the Black Lake. I decided that I would probably just throw her in the Black lake, that way the mermaids dispose of her for me. Draco looked worried, but if he were a Death Eater too, he would soon find out what I had done. I went down to the Black Lake, where I saw Pansy sitting alone doing her makeup. Luckily, she wasn't using a mirror or she would have seen me by now.

I decided it would be best if I tortured her since Bellatrix always like a little pain before the death. I whispered Crucio, and she immediately fell to the floor, screaming out in pain. As much as I didn't like Pansy, I still felt a bit weird about doing something like this. I decided to not let her be tortured too much. She looked like she was in pain from the Cruciatus Curse, so I ended her pain with the killing curse.

"Avada Kedavra!" I said, pointing my wand at her. She knew what I was doing as I said the words, and gave me one more horrified, jealous look before she died. I had just killed Pansy Parkinson. I threw her body into the Black lake where millions of mermaids came up to feast on her.

Potions was over now, so I had Defense Against the Dark Arts. I walked to D.A.D.A. where I met up with Draco.

"Where did you go? Why weren't you at Potions?" Draco asked.

"I had to go do something," I answered, lying easily.

"What does D.E. stand for?"

"D-defensive Evaluation." I thought up the answer quickly, trying to sound truthful.

Draco was quiet for a moment, and I was worried that he saw through my lie. Then he nodded, saying: "Yeah, that makes sense. Come on, we have class." Draco pulled me along to D.A.D.A. and we soon walked into class. Umbridge was waiting at the front for the class to sit down and settle in. Luckily, Umbridge liked me, as I was a Slytherin. I joined her Inquisitorial Squad so she wouldn't hate me, and it was quite fun picking on a few people.

"Welcome class, take your seats, I have arranged you so you are all in different places. I don't want the Slytherins to sit with Gryffindors, so the Slytherins will be seated together. However I don't want the Gryffindors seated together so, each Gryffindor gets their own little table." she pointed up at the board where the new seating plan was.

"Professor, isn't the whole point of putting the Slytherins and Gryffindors together to make them not hate each other?" Harry asked.

"Mr Potter, I do believe I am the teacher and that I say what is to be done and what isn't. I am afraid you will be seeing me in my office at 5:00. Do not bring anything." She smiled and went on to teaching after we had gotten to our seats. Draco and I were put next to each other which was nice. Umbridge scared me a lot so I payed attention and said nothing unless she called on me. Her way of teaching was stupid, however, I didn't argue knowing she would do something terrible. Class went on and was as boring as ever. As soon as she dismissed us, I rushed away.

Draco came and caught up with me. "Kayla, we need to talk!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the Slytherin common room. He obviously didn't care if we got into trouble but I did.

"Draco what do you want?" I asked.

"Kayla, where did you go? Why are you keeping secrets from me?" he asked.

At that moment, I saw Professor Snape in the background. "All will be explained in detention today Draco," Professor Snape drawled, coming out from hiding.

Draco looked his way but Professor Snape slipped out of the common room.

"Draco, I need to get to class." I pushed past him and went to Charms. When I looked at Draco from the corner of my eye, he looked a bit hurt that I didn't tell him, but it's not like we are dating or anything. Draco followed behind since he, too, had Charms, but he didn't talk to me the whole lesson.

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