'I fricking love him'

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Chapter 48.

Draco's POV:

Kayla was snuggled up really close to me and had fallen asleep. She was adorable when she slept. She hardly made a noise. I ran my fingers through her soft brown hair and I rubbed circles on her shoulder with my thumb. Everything was so relaxing.

I thought about the situation of me killing Dumbledore. I knew I had to do it if I didn't want to get anyone else hurt, like my family and Kayla. It was the most important thing to me to make sure they were safe.

I thought about just using the Killing Curse. It would be the simplest and it wouldn't bring as much pain as cursing him would. I have to admit, although he was weird and hired stupid teachers sometimes, he was a great headmaster. I didn't want to kill him, but everyone was depending on me.

The dark lord is especially counting on me. He had chosen me for a reason. I just hoped I would be able to do it.

Kayla started to stir, which brought me out of my thoughts.

Even though I totally forgot she was right there, my fingers were still entwined in her long wavy brown hair and my thumb was still rubbing her shoulder. She woke up and snuggled further into my side, making me laugh. No one knew but I was ticklish.

"Ticklish are we, Malfoy?" She smirked.

"No!" I rolled my eyes.

"Sure." Her hands wrapped around me and then tickled my side.

I laughed. "Stop, stop, please, or I will t-tickle you!" I said, trying not to laugh too much.

"Go ahead, try," she said challengingly. I smirked and started to tickle her, but she didn't find it ticklish. She didn't laugh at all.

"How are you not ticklish?" I asked.

"It's in my blood, Malfoy, a Hex is never ticklish, even if you are, you don't show it." Kayla smirked. "And my parents used to tickle me all the time as a child."

"So, you aren't ticklish?" I asked.

"Nope!" She smiled.

I kissed her cheek and Kayla got up. She grabbed my hand and started walking out of the common room.

"I'm hungry, so we are going to go get dinner," she stated.

"Whatever you want, Kitten." I smiled, walking along next to her with her hand in mine.

We walked into the Great Hall and everyone started whispering about us being together. Many of the students were upset about the fact that the two most attractive people at Hogwarts were taken.

We started to eat. A minute after we had eaten, Potter stormed over to us.

"How could you? You know he is dangerous, you know he is a Death Eater, so why would you date him? I told you not to! This is a horrible idea!" Harry spat at Kayla.

"He is not! And even if he was, I wouldn't care. Now shut the fuck up! Just because you don't like him doesn't mean I can't! You can't dictate my life so shut up and leave us alone!" Kayla yelled at him.

That's my girl, sticking up for us, even though she knows what I have to do and that I am a Death Eater.

"Why do you like him so much? He works for Voldemort!" Harry yelled.

"Because I am attracted to him! I fricking love him! You keep trying to make me change so that you like me better. Stop trying to change me so that you can be comfortable! Now shut up and leave us alone." Kayla yelled back.

I didn't know what to say since Kayla had said it perfectly for me.

"Cat got your tongue, Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"Oh, that's it. First you come up and yell at my girl and now you are yelling at me. You should know better, Potter!"

I punched him in the face.

Kayla grabbed my hand and we walked out of the Great Hall, towards the Slytherin common room. Once we were in the common room, we sat down by the fire.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Kayla looked pretty upset.

"Ginny is going to be so mad at me. I know she likes Potter, but he can't keep yelling at me about the choices I make. You make me happy. I thought he would understand because everyone just wants to be happy, right? But he doesn't understand, and because he doesn't know that I am a Death Eater he thinks you are going to hurt me, which I know you won't because we are in this together," Kayla said, looking at me with teary eyes.

"Everything is going to be okay, I promise. Ginny will come to her senses and she might not even be mad at you. He does deserve it, and since she tried to get us together I don't think she is going to be mad at you, I think she will be mad at Potter," I said, trying to comfort Kayla.

She pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for a few minutes. She looked up at me and gave me a kiss.

"I really do love you, Draco Malfoy." she said after giving me a kiss.

"I love you too, Kayla Hex." I kissed her forehead and she went back to tightly hugging me.

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