You do want to do it

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Chapter 52.

Ginny's POV:

Evie and I saw that Kayla was sitting alone on the sofa in the common room.

"Hey, Kayla. What happened to Draco?" Evie asked.

"Him and Blaise were being annoying so I left. Although, I don't really know why I found them annoying," Kayla said.

"Well, what did they say?" I asked.

"Well, basically, I was just joking about sitting next to Blaise, and then Blaise heard me say his name and he asked if he heard his name. And then Draco snapped at him and Blaise kinda snapped back. Then I said for them to shut it or I will leave. Blaise replied with 'Sounds like we aren't the only ones who need to calm down,' and I got mad, so I got a waffle and I came here."

"That's random, but okay," I said.

"What did you and Draco talk about when you were walking to breakfast?" Evie asked.

Evie knew to ask random questions like this because she knew everything about boys, flirting, dating and anything to do with all of that.

"I asked him about what you wanted to know," Kayla said.

"And what did he say?" Evie asked.

"He said, and I quote 'I don't know. I haven't planned anything, or any time for it to happen,' and then we walked into the Great Hall and I was suddenly very irritated," she replied.

"That's why you are mad," Evie said knowingly.

"How does that make sense? How do you know she got angry about that? And also what are you talking about? What is it that you asked her to ask?" I asked.

"Because she wants to do it! She wants to have sex with Draco!" Evie said happily.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Guys. I told you, I have no interest in doing that for a while. I'm not 16 yet so I can't. And I am interested in him, his personality. Not his body. Although that is an extra added bonus." She muttered the last part but I still heard, and Evie definitely heard as well.

"You most certainly do!" I said.

"No, no, I don't."

"Yes, you do!" Evie and I yelled.

"SO, maybe I do, maybe I don't!"

"Well, you can wait till your birthday," I said.

"That reminds me, I'm not going to be here next week," Kayla said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, my parents probably just want to have a chat to me about Draco, and why I shouldn't go out with him. I told them and they got so mad."

"Okay. Well, we will give you our presents before you leave," Evie said.

"Okay. I should probably go find Draco since I am going to Hogsmeade with him," Kayla said, getting up and walking out the doors.

"Okay, we will talk tonight," Evie told her as she left.

"Well, since Harry is going with Hermione and Ron, I will go with you," I said.

"Harry really needs to wake up."

"I know. I kissed him and he still didn't get it. And then I did it again and I was dragged away. And since then he hasn't talked to me. I think Ron has told him not to because I am his sister, but in that case, he is ruining my life."

"Well, off to Hogsmeade. And we can find a boy for you right in front of Harry and get him so jealous." Evie smiled.

I knew why she was a Slytherin. It made sense. Also, Kayla being in Slytherin was a total given.

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