Were we dating?

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Chapter 20.

Draco's POV:

I left her with a burning question, were we dating? I wasn't sure. We had kissed but that is it. We never said that we were dating, I guess she thought we were dating. I think I will string her along for a bit and then I will ask her out. I went into the great hall and sat down. Everyone was whispering and giving me side glances. I glared at all of them, my eyes fell on Potter's I glared at him so hard his eyes nearly fell out. I was about to go up to him when Kayla got there. She started talking to Ginny and then she started yelling. "AAGH! I don't give a shit about your opinion Potter!" Kayla yelled leaving the great hall. I assumed that she got the Potter from me since I am the only one who calls him that. I walked over to Potter. "What the hell Potter! What did you do to her?" I yelled. "Nothing. Now stay away from Kayla, we all know you are a death eater! STAY AWAY FROM KAYLA OR YOU DIE!" Potter yelled. "Why the hell do you care, you are always drooling over Ginny and now all of a sudden when Kayla and I are good friends you care about her safety. You are the one who is bringing all this danger to our school, before you arrived the school was absolutely safe!" I said angrily. "Just because I like Ginny doesn't mean I am not allowed to look out for my friend." Potter got up and left. I grabbed a plate and some food and decided to take it to Kayla since she hadn't eaten and I said we would have dinner together. I knocked on her door to her room. "Who is it?" Evie sang. "It's Draco, let me in." I said. I heard her whisper to Kayla before opening the door slightly. "What do you want Draco, Kayla isn't very happy now so I suggest you leave." Evie said. "I just want to make sure she is okay, can I come in?" I asked. "Fine," Evie said opening the door letting me in. "I have food," I said passing it to her. "Thanks." she said. "What's wrong, what did Potter do?" I asked. "How do you know it was Potter?" she asked. "Because I heard you yell at him." I answered. "Oh well, he told everyone in the whole school that you and I were dating." she answered. "And that is a bad thing?" I asked a bit infuriated that she was annoyed about people saying we are dating. "No, that's not the problem although you were confusing me when you were saying that we might or might not be dating. But it's the fact that he told the whole school and because everyone thinks you are a death eater and so now people won't trust me." she explained. "Well, I don't really know what to say to that because it is their fault if they don't trust you just because you spent time with me." I said. "Thanks for the food and the talk, but you never answered my question from before dinner, are we dating?" she asked. "I don't know? Are we?" I gave her a kiss on her forehead and then left. Evie started to giggle after I left.

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