Double date

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Chapter 59.

Ginny's POV:

It was seven o'clock, so Evie and I were getting ready for the double date in an hour. We were in my dorm because Evie, Ryan and Kayla were allowed into Gryffindor. I got into a peach coloured dress while Evie wore a midnight blue sparkly dress. Sometimes I didn't know how we were friends, she was so different to me, she was super pretty, very good at fashion; while I didn't care too much and she was so good with guys. We were complete opposites yet we were great friends.

An hour later the boys were knocking on my door. Evie got up and opened it. I turned red when Harry approached me taking my arm in his. Ryan took Evie's hand as they had been dating for a while and had held hands before. We walked out of the common room and headed for the Astronomy tower, but of course there was something or should I say someone standing waiting for us.

"Potter, Weasley, Evans and Williams, what are you doing out of bed at this time?" Professor Umbridge asked rudely.

"But curfew isn't for another hour and a half," I say.

"Detention, all of you. You Slytherins should know better. I will get Draco and Kayla to take you back to your dorms. I will see you at five tomorrow for your detentions." The professor said.

None of us argued as we knew we would get into more trouble. Out of nowhere Draco and Kayla appeared ready to take us to our dorms. Draco led Ryan and Evie back to the Slytherin common room, while Kayla took Harry and I to ours.

"So Kayla, what were you and Draco doing." I stopped using Malfoy in front of Harry, just because he didn't call him Draco didn't mean I couldn't.

"Nothing, we were just walking the corridors as we were told but Umbridge herself." Kayla said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," she winked at me making sure Harry didn't see. I smiled and kept walking.

"So where were the four of you going?" She asked

"Double date." I said.

"Stupid Umbridge, getting in the way" Kayla murmured.

"Kayla, would you like to join Dumbledore's army?" Harry asked

I wasn't expecting this to come up.

"Sorry Harry, but I don't want to get into trouble. Plus Draco and I are going good. I don't want to screw something up if he finds out." Kayla explained.

"It's fine, just asking. Please don't tell anyone about this offer." Harry said getting tense.

"Don't worry, I won't." Kayla said reassuringly.

We got to the common room and Harry and I went inside. Kayla left and went back to doing her duties for Umbridge.

"So, guess we will have to have a single date right here." Harry said taking my hand.

I blushed which was unusual for me. "I guess we will." I replied.

Harry and I talked for a lot of the night before departing to our separate rooms. But before we did so, Harry's lips met mine. We kissed for a good 10 seconds before he left to his room. I smiled and went to bed.

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