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Chapter 14.


"Kayla, I like you. Will you go out with me?" I stood frozen as he asked me the question. What was I supposed to say, he is the son of a death eater, I couldn't say yes, but I couldn't say no. What would happen to me if I said no? What would happen to me if I said yes? Would the dark lord kill me if I said yes because I was interfering with Draco? Or would Lucius kill me if I said no for saying no to Draco? I ran as fast as I could. I will never see anyone again. NEVER!

End of dream.

I woke up with sweat dripping down my back. That was a horrible dream, I don't want to lose Draco. Wait WTF I'm not even with Draco, I can't lose him if we aren't together. I checked the time, I would be getting up at this time anyway. "Evie, are you up?" I looked over to an empty bed. She must be with Ryan or Ginny. I got dressed and then changed into my hogwarts robes. I walked to the great hall to eat something. I hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday because at dinner I was picking at my food and then I ran out of the great hall. I sat down at the Slytherin table and ate my waffles. "Kayla, I'm sorry for running out of your room last night, I was just worried." Draco said sitting down next to me. I have to say I prefered when he sat in front of me so I could see his steel eyes. "It's fine, what were you worried about?" I asked. "Nothing, it's fine don't worry about it." he said. I smiled weakly and took a sip of water.

A/N: I had no idea what to call this so if you have any ideas tell me in the comments please.

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