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Chapter 28.


I was at home during summer break. My parents were out, only God knows where, and I was extremely bored. I considered writing to Draco, but, knowing him, he wouldn't reply. I went to get up when there was a strong force and a bright light that pushed me back. I heard a loud cackle.

"Kayla Hex, I am Bellatrix, but you should already know that, shouldn't you?" she asked.

"Um, sure. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I am here on request from the great, almighty, Dark Lord himself. You are going to join the Death Eaters," she replied with a cackle.

"I am what?" I asked. I couldn't understand anything she said with that stupid laugh of hers.

"You are joining the Death Eaters," she repeated. I didn't even know she could be serious.

"A D-Death Eater?" I said, trying not to stutter.

"Yes, you will start training with me tomorrow. You know all the unforgivable curses, right?" she asked.

"Yes, will anyone else know at school about me being a Death Eater?And if I am a Death Eater, why don't I have the mark?" I asked.

"Wow, you ask a lot of questions. All will be explained tomorrow. You will start at 6:30, training will be here, your parents already know. Severus Snape is also aware of this, so when you have tasks at the same time as class tell him D.E and he will tell your teacher that he has sent you to do something, or you have a detention," Bellatrix explained.

"How do my parents know?" I question.

"All will be explained tomorrow." She let out one more cackle before she disappeared.

I was confused, why would they choose me? How do my parents know? Are they Death Eaters too? Is anyone else at school a Death Eater? What would my first proper task be? Do I have to kill someone? What will she make me do? I don't even want to be a Death Eater. Why did they have to choose me? Is Draco a Death Eater? I got up and went to bed, as this was too much to handle at the moment. I set an alarm for 6:00 so I could be ready for when Bellatrix arrives. 

A/N: hey so I finally updated and so I hope you enjoy.

Edited by: Ember_The_Wolf

The Dare (Draco Malfoy Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें