The news

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"You cannot be serious?!" (Y/n) exclaimed flopping back on the sofa as she ran a hand through her (h/c) hair.

She let her eyes wonder across the post that they had just received, again.

There was 2 bills and a post card from her brother Blake, but it wasn't there.

(Y/n) was waiting for a specific letter from Altea college, she had applied 5 weeks ago and still had no news.

'Better check my emails then.' She groaned internally, pulling her feet up as she pulled her laptop over.

After logging in she scanned the 15 emails that she had received over the past few days, nothing.

When suddenly a new one came in.

To: (Y/n) (L/n)
From: Altea college
- We are happy to inform you that your application has been reviewed and we have decided that you are to attend the Altea college.

We are sorry that you didn't receive the news sooner and as we didn't receive a reply we assumed that it hadn't reached you yet. Please respond to this email by 10th of August.

Sincerely Allura
Headteacher at Altea.

"Yes!!" (Y/n) screamed beaming.

"What is it?" A worried voice called from the kitchen. It was (Y/n) foster parents they had encouraged her to apply to the college for as long as she could remember.

"(Y/n) you need to focus in school, I know that it is difficult and that you struggle but if you don't get your grades up you wont get into a good college so please try harder." John her foster father said in a kind voice.

(Y/n) knew that he was right, she struggled to focus during certain lessons. Ever since the accident.

"Well I know a few websites that we can look at to help, it will be ok (Y/n)" smiled her foster mum Emily.

"Wow you finally did it, (Y/n) finally got in" James, her younger, adopted, brother yelled jumping up and down on the sofa.

"See, I knew you could do it" John laughed as he emerged from the kitchen, he was tall and big, he was always happy, and he loved to cook.

He had flour all over his T-shirt and he even had it in his hair.

"You know what that means, don't you?" Emily said appearing with baby Oliver in her arms. "We need to go shopping so that you can get the things you need." She said with a big grin.

"But first things first, breakfast." John said sternly but with a smile.

(Y/n) giggled she loved her family no matter where they all came from.

Emily and John were great foster parents who took in anybody and gave them a second chance. Even when they felt they had nowhere to go, John and Emily's house was always open.

And I had become a safe haven for the 5 children that they had looked after. A place they could actually call their own.

And now she was making her own way, she was going to ace this and be the best she could... Or at least she hoped...

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