V - Dinner

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White fingers intertwined with his. Jimin had no choice but to avoid becoming stiffer, he was very nervous but he felt lucky to be in that place with Yoongi. The eyes of the oldest were focused on a bookshelf. In that short amount of time Chim Chim didn't know what to say and he was afraid of ruining the moment, of sounding childish in front of his date. He didn't understand why they were in a library but he assumed he was about to find out. 

"I'm sorry if this is not what you were expecting, Jimin," the white-haired man apologized.

"N... no, no, it's perfect, thank you," the youngest looked down and tilted his head. He felt stupid offering veneration to someone who was holding his hand, but after all, there was the age difference. Jimin calculated that they were at least five years apart.

"I must do a couple of things tomorrow at uni and I need to be ready, I have to prepare some notes and... I completely forgot about it before asking you out today. But I promise that we will go to the park later... well... maybe it'll be too dark. Maybe you'll want to have dinner?... I don't know." Yoongi didn't feel so cool now; it seemed that he didn't date much. But the truth was that the musician was an active and healthy guy who enjoyed giving piano concerts, reading fiction and studying Chemistry in college, but he also loved going out to parties, meeting cute boys, chatting with them and having sex. However, Jimin was different from those boys, the kind of young man who always seems to have a sweet look and a tender smile that transform his eyes into two slender lines. 

The oldest didn't have enough experience with such people, so in this case you have to start in the dark, a little bit blindly, and try to do it well, said Yoongi to himself while remembering a quote from his favorite novel.


Jin had welcomed Namjoon two hours ago and they were both laughing and drinking the third round of soju. Jungkook listened to them without leaving his room on the second floor, where he sighed of envy every time he detected that romantic silence between each laugh. He imagined them looking into each other's eyes and smiling like idiots in front of the pot where Jin was cooking miyeok guk to teach Nam the family recipe.

Friday had come very slowly for Kookie, his week progressed with sluggish steps, spinning his world every hour. He hadn't seen Tae in Music-Mind during Hoseok's Wednesday class, and since they hadn't even bothered asking for their phone numbers, it was impossible to meet anywhere else. 

Now, the two people he loved the most, Jin and Jimin, were at their respective dates thanks to him, who had to settle for the hope of seeing Taehyung on Monday again. If he could get enough courage he would invite him dancing, that way he could show him he wasn't a boring or frightened child. 

The young man remembered the beautifully sculpted face of the saxophonist and the sexual encounter they had had, bringing back old insecurities. He couldn't help thinking about the things he could've done better, he felt awkward and unattractive.

Downstairs, fragments of words escaped from Jin's mouth. 

"We have to... soak the wakame... and... then..." Even if his parents weren't home, he didn't want his younger brother to hear what was beginning to happen in the kitchen. Namjoon slid his hands around Jin's waist, causing the black haired man to blush. The penis of the youngest began to fill with blood, so he pressed his body against his date. 

They both shuddered at the touch and gave each other a light kiss on the lips, Jin didn't like the idea of going beyond kisses on the first date. But that didn't mean he was finding it simple to restrain himself from jumping on top of Namjoon. Instead, he took him by the shoulders and gave him a noisy kiss on the cheek, then they hugged and laughed again, but not before taking advantage of the closeness of their bodies to rub each other once more.

In order to avoid more temptations they went to the living room to chat for a while, so they would give the soup time to finish cooking on the fire. They talked about food, hobbies, favorite colors and family anecdotes until they came to deeper subjects like intelligence, talents and their future. 

"I think I've handled my life well so far, the one who worries me the most is Kookie, he's so young... but he feels the pressure because of my parents," Jin trusted his new friend enough to talk about those things. 

"He feels the threat and the competition like all of us, but they are both necessary to beat others and..." the conversation was unfolding with Namjoon's response.

"I'm sorry but... I don't agree," claimed Jin.


"Don't misunderstand me. I can talk with you because you're a man of integrity and you're very smart, Namjoon, but I believe that opinion is twisted. Being smart, going to school, learning new things should help us to be happy and more free, not to compete with others and beat them. I always give my best to make people around me happy, that's why I decided to get a job at a school, I have the opportunity to teach the children that knowledge is useful when you can put it into practice, when we try to do things differently to make them better. Intelligence works when we can get rid of guilt, resentment and ego... if we can use some of it to be happy and make others happy. What do you think? That's my opinion but..."

The one with brown hair showed a gesture of rejoicing and his iris shone, he ventured a loving glance at his date and remained silent. He understood that the only way to spend the rest of his life would be to share it with the man in front of him, Namjoon was fascinated by Jin's kindness and brains, he genuinely loved him.


Taehyung mentally tightened the knot that had formed inside him. You have no heart, someone had told him one day; however, he had one. But it wasn't useful anymore, the only thing it did was to depress him and remind him of old wounds. 

He wanted to believe that he only had enough heart for that, to suffer because of the past but never because of the present. How could he pretend he didn't have a heart capable of falling in love with someone as noble and fond as Jungkook?

He took his saxophone and began to play a melody while the salt of his tears moistened the corner of his mouth, causing the sound to come out damaged and painful.

author's note: I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you in advance (for reading as well) :D

Don't forget to listen to the song in the Youtube video above. It's "Janta" (dinner in Portuguese) by Marcelo Camelo.


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