XXVI - Slow (lemon)

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Taehyung knew well that the only way to avoid being separated from the rest of the world was to have his conscience as clean as possible. That was why he had been avoiding looking at Jungkook in a lascivious way, even after they had hugged with euphoria and kissed passionately after receiving the great news. Even after Tae's happy tears had been licked by Kook's soft tongue.

Now, the gray haired boy was preparing his couch to sleep there, at a good distance away from his own room, where his guest would rest. He was doing that when a tempting sight clouded his reason. Kookie was in front of him wearing nothing more than his boxers, his hair disheveled and the round patch over his eye.

"I hope you don't mind, this is how I sleep at home," he announced.

"Sure, there's no problem. Does it still hurt a lot? Do you want me to call the doctor to get a new prescription or something?" Proposed the musician.

"Nah but ehhm... Tae? Could you coddle me to help me sleep?" Jungkook's request was almost a plea.

Tae laughed and nodded, stepping aside so the boy would lie down next to him on the blanket-covered sofa. His hands went over the boy's bare skin: from his neck to his muscled back, from his shoulders to those forearms filled with thin, colorful veins. The saxophonist felt hard inside his pants but he only cleared his throat and continued without giving it much importance.

A few minutes passed by before the black haired boy rushed over Taehyung's body, putting both hands on his host's shoulders. Tae was positioned between Kook's legs and a furious kiss attacked his lips.

"Ju... Jungkook. NO," he managed to say in-between the onslaught.

He experienced a tide unleashing in his stomach that was growing stronger until it went down to his crotch. Meanwhile, Kookie was desirous of any contact, Tae's appetite for heat impelled him towards the body of the other one, his covered dick brushing the opposite abdomen making him gasp.

Taehyung gave up fighting and returned the kiss, caressed Kook's cheeks slowly and bit his neck with tenderness and passion. He didn't mark it because he knew that they still didn't belong to each other and he looked at him asking for permission to move.

"Let's go to bed, Kookie," pronounced the saxophonist pulling the young man's right wrist. "You know this isn't a good idea, right?"

"Why not, Taehyung?" Jungkook asked annoyed.

"Because you're not healthy right now. I promised Jin I would take care of you. And you want us to...?"

"What, don't you have a fantasy of doing it with a pirate?"

"Oh... to tell the truth, no. But if I'm honest, anything I do with you will be a fulfilled fantasy, Kookie."

Jungkook thought it was corny and beautiful, so he pulled Tae out of his pajama top and kissed him again. This time the musician climbed on top of the boy and lowered his underwear watching his amazing pink cock spring up. He bit his lip before taking off all his clothes too and hugging him by the side, both of them feeling the pre-seminal liquid moistening random parts of their bodies where the tip rubbed.

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