I - Heartbeats

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Despite it being Monday Jungkook was feeling very happy. Today, after high school, he was planning on starting his guitar lessons. A couple of months ago he had been trying to convince his parents to let him go and he had finally got their permission. He would do his best to show them that he was very serious about this new hobby and would make them proud; he was not going to waste the money they had invested in his new musical instrument and in the Music-Mind school registration. 

The best thing of all was that ChimChim would also be there. Although his friend did not care much about becoming a musician, he did have enough money to take the classes and have a good time with his bestie.

Algebra and Literature felt slower than usual because Jungkook was very anxious. He had to stay inside the classroom during the whole recess because he was afraid that someone would steal his guitar, which was now protected by a black plastic case. 

After enduring the torture of school, both Jimin and himself went to the cafeteria to eat a quick bite and walk a few blocks to get to Music-Mind. They were laughing, gossiping, and complaining about the ridiculous amount of homework they had to do every day.

"And now you give me more work making me take music lessons," claimed the shorter one.

"You'll love it, you'll see," his companion smiled and opened the door of the huge building.

The woman at the entrance cordially greeted them and made them walk to a classroom; she apologized because the teacher had not yet arrived. When they entered the room Jimin and Jungkook were surprised to see a young man with brown hair and a black jacket who seemed to be struggling with stands, amplifiers and chairs. 

"Hello! I... I'm sorry," he said while trying to rearrange the furniture. "I don't know how it happened but when I sat down suddenly everything started falling and then... and now... I'm just not sure if this is broken or not. I'm Kim Namjoon, by the way, nice to meet you." Although he looked older than them, Namjoon seemed rather clumsier. Jimin could not stop himself from giggling before shaking the older guy's hand. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Park Jimin and this is my friend Jeon Jungkook." Namjoon bowed slightly and pointed at a pair of seats next to him. The others helped him with the rest of the things and took out their guitars before settling into the chairs.

The teacher was very pleasant and funny. His name was Jung Hoseok, a tall man with copper hair, a basketball shirt, and a big smile. As they were all beginners, the lesson progressed very slowly. Hoseok explained how they should read the notes and which hand position was the most appropriate to play the guitar. Halfway through the class a knock interrupted them. A beautiful man opened the door and poked his head shyly. 

"Hyung, I just wanted to know if you're almost done or if...." The intruder went silent as soon as he saw Jungkook's eyes. 

"Tae, hello! No, you can go, we still have some work to do here," Hoseok replied. Before leaving the classroom, Taehyung slightly smiled at the black haired boy who had been watching him. Jungkook couldn't stop the blushing; he would have liked to return him the nice gesture but at the time he reacted the man with grayish hair and red lips had already disappeared. 

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