XIV - Sparkle

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A bad feeling pierced his mind and ran down the spine until it reached his stomach painfully. He couldn't stop thinking about the reportage that morning and kept ruminating the possible reasons behind that strange event.

Why did Taehyung, along with all the other musicians, have missed their own show? He left his reverie and turned back, discovering that Jimin was approaching him with a surprised face and a lollipop stuck in his mouth. When he was close to his friend, little Park took out the scarlet candy and began to speak:

"Did you watch the news? It seems that Hoseok is in trouble, right?"

"Hoseok? I thought you'd rather be formal and call him Mr. Jung."

"Ah... yeah, but I guess we've been spending some time together and now it would just be strange. I've seen him a couple of times outside of class."


"Yes... the other day I was in Taehyung's apartment and...."


"Calm down, calm down. I know the two of you still don't get along and it's not what you're thinking anyways. I went there because Yoongi invited me and...."

"Wait, are you two finally together?"

"Yes... something like that."

"I think it's been a long time since we spoke, right? It seems that now you keep a lot of secrets from me."

Jimin sighed and cocked his mouth, he couldn't deny that Jungkook's claims were a lie, but in his defense it hadn't only been his fault. Kookie had also been busier than usual and both began to make difficult decisions about their academic futures. They were about to pick what to study and which university was the best for them.

Free time at school passed too fast and they didn't feel like they were the same old friends. That's why they opted to avoid each other at recess and on the way from school to the guitar lessons they only talked about generalities or irrelevant things.

"I miss you, Cookie. Can we go back to being us?" Chim Chim's little voice caressed the velvety fibers of his friend's heart.

Jungkook couldn't complain about him; he hadn't told Jimin his latest news either and had even dared to lie to him more than once.

"I miss you too, Jiminie. Let's catch up today while we walk to Music-Mind, okay?" He told him while they went inside the classroom.

After solving a bunch of mathematical problems, learning complicated notions about programming and discussing logical and philosophical crossroads, the end of school finally arrived. The two boys picked up their things quickly and started their typical Monday walk. They were eating sandwiches and other foods that didn't need cutlery or good manners.

"Ok... cough cough... so you cough cough are a couple now?" Said the taller one, choking on a mouthful of bread.

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