XXIII - Vanished

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"A lot of people came!" Joon celebrated while doing a high ten with his boyfriend.

"There are all my co-workers. I'll go say hi, guys," Jin spoke before he left to meet the large group.

"My classmates are also there. I'll say hello and hand out the maps, Kook," Nam followed his guy's example.

The younger boy didn't answer; he was focused on a person who couldn't let go of his surprised face. He was looking at Taehyung in the crowd. When their eyes finally met, Tae ran to the arms of the black-haired lad and said something in his ear:

"Thanks, Cookie. Thank you."

Jungkook blushed but he soon regained his composure to continue with the plan. He smiled sweetly at the musician and returned the gesture by giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you all for coming," said Tae standing on a bench, using his megaphone to project his voice. "As you know, we will follow a series of rules. Please don't forget them. You are all valuable to this student community; you have no idea how much this means to us. It fills me with satisfaction that the people I love the most and with whom I share my music are here. But I'm also honored to see people I've never met before, people of different ages and professions that are not directly related to ours. I also thank all the schools and institutes that have supported us in this journey and that have decided not to judge or stigmatize the members who decided to join us today. Let's go!" Tae spoke, causing many women and men to applaud and feel impetus in their guts.

Amid so much joy it was hard to notice all the important things that had happened days ago. It was impossible to see Jungkook's exhaustion, nor Jimin's hard work. Nor did the initial hatred with which the classmates and teachers had treated Yoongi after he proposed them to help the musicians.

One couldn't see the oral talent with which Namjoon and Jin had achieved their tasks; their fear of losing everything they had strived for in their short life. Nor the energy with which Hoseok had organized all the students of the Free University of Music. But thanks to all that now this movement was possible.

They had achieved it together and couldn't feel more victorious. However, no one was sure that by having gathered so many people their plan would work.

The protest started and everyone walked at a calm pace. At some point Taehyung took Kookie's hand and the youngest swore to see sparks in front of his eyes. They were about two hundred people when they started, but the protest was gaining supporters who were in the corridors and outdoor areas of the university.

They all arrived at the Human Resources Building where they would sit on the floor outside the tower until the administrators accepted that the students wouldn't have to pay for health insurance. However, the calm was lost when an angry shout was heard inside the yellow spot.

"Hey, get out of here, you idiot!" A blonde girl complained while pointing at a tall young man who was trying to climb on one of the statues that decorated the university. He had an aerosol paint can in his free hand and he was threatening to use it.

"No, no no no no no no!" Taehyung exclaimed when he saw the scene and let go of Kookie's hand to get up and go there. They couldn't afford to let something go wrong, to behave 'badly' or to show violent attitudes now. They were so close.

The anger and the desire to trash the place was contagious, so three more guys helped the first one to climb the monument. It was going to get out of control if someone didn't do something soon, but nobody moved a finger. Things escalated too fast without giving Tae time to think or act.

The rest of the participants looked anxious, some asking them to stop and others were in a complete nervous silence. A group of uniformed men with the words PRIVATE SECURITY stamped on their chests approached them with plastic shields and black weapons. Some of them even seemed to carry guns.

Taehyung's blood froze when he detected such thing and terror clouded his sanity.

"Get up, all of you, get up now!" He ordered the people who were in a vulnerable position on the floor.

With that mandate the chaos spread and a stampede of legs almost smash Jimin's body, who nimbly rolled to the side and stood up. Jin started pushing some men and women, desperate to find his little brother and his boyfriend. Everyone was looking for their acquaintances to keep them safe and to understand what was happening.

There was a lot of noise. So much noise. So many roars, cries and sobs that one of the security men thought he was in danger. He aimed a rubber-bullet gun at the crowd and, despite the fact that one of his colleagues demanded he not to shoot, he still pulled the trigger.

In the end there was just silence. People turned in search of the person that was emitting such a painful moan, the last sound to be heard. They began to make room for the wounded man who was now on his knees with his hands covering his face. Taehyung thought it was all a nightmare and he stuck his own nails into his arm to wake himself up.

But no, this was real life. Because in real life a sculpture is worth more than a human made out of flesh and blood. Because in real life a student doesn't have the right to have a decent health system. Because in real life someone as generous and beautiful as Jungkook ends up lying on the floor with his hands over his eye and blood scurrying between his fingers.

author's note: Hey! Not much to say. Please leave a vote and lots of comments! <3

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