XVII - Float (lemon)

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author's note: Hey everyone! This chapter is full of smut so if you don't like it please skip it. :D Thank you very very much for reading this story. I really love you all.

When Jungkook was a child he thought that everyone was on his side, that all the people were there to protect him from any danger. Then he grew a little and that feeling vanished as well as his self-confidence and constant joy. But being in Taehyung's company, the infantile sensation came back strongly; in spite of the bad moments and the tears, the musician transported him to a stage of his life that the boy kept romantizing.

As he ran to the saxophonist to tell him the idea that would help him solve the health insurance problem, the oldest took one of the maple flowers and placed it on top of Kookie's ear. Taehyung wanted to listen to his proposal, especially because he noticed the black haired boy's enthusiasm, but first he needed to feel his beautiful body against his own.

He needed to have that marvelous face trapped in his eyes and that white skin stored in his heart. Tae surrounded Jungkook's waist with his arms; he really wanted to kiss him but after pondering for a few seconds he decided to join both foreheads and whisper something in his ear. His breath caressed the underside of Jungkook's face like a citric steam:

"Well, what can we do to fix it, Jungkookie?"

Kook forgot his plan for a moment because the musician's proximity disoriented his neurons.

"You know what? You can tell me later. That can wait," said Taehyung who was convinced of his own statement for the first time.

Now all that mattered to him was the outline of the young man who was standing in front of him.

"I'm so afraid to kiss you because I can't afford to fall more in love with you," Tae admitted.

More, more, more echoed in Jungkook's mind; that tiny word now meant everything to him.

"If you're so scared then don't kiss me," answered the youngest with a playful face and a tilted smile.

Kookie pushed Tae by the shoulders making him fall on the wet grass. Then, the black-haired boy sat on his lap to be face to face with him.

"We can do many things without kissing and without having sex," clarified the youngest.

He took a lock of hair from the nape of his companion and pulled it gently, causing Taehyung to moan. There wasn't much to worry about since all of their noises were being camouflaged with the music on the speaker.

"Really? Like what? Show me," the saxophonist was already in a delirium where he could only concentrate on the boy's mouth. Both breaths began to accelerate and Jungkook put his hands under Tae's shirt to scrape his back with sweetness.

"Ahhhmm... Mgh," Taehyung let himself go and played with his own tongue while sighing.

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