IX - Sound

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Jungkook fiercely bit his caramel apple; it was one of his favorite foods but this one tasted bitter and dry. Jin and Namjoon walked a few steps behind the boy, the black-haired guy trying not to take his eyes off him and the second man looking everywhere in case Taehyung showed up. 

"You don't have to do that, you know? You already made it clear to me that I'm not the center of the universe," the youngest protested as he was feeling his brother's eyes piercing the back of his neck. After making his tantrum once they arrived, Kookie explained to his companions that the beautiful saxophonist would be at the summer festival playing along with Jimin's 'unofficial boyfriend', the grumpy pianist Min Yoongi.

As expected, Jin panicked because of the terrible coincidence, but he was determined to take this opportunity to transform his boyfriend and little brother's relationship. He gave the boy one of his eloquent lectures before dragging him inside the festival: I know this is bad, Cookie, but please understand. Today isn't about you but about what you promised to do for me. We all have to do our best to ensure that by the time we return home, Nam and you will be good friends. Also, there's a bright side! We will surely run into Jimin. Kook exhaled loudly through his nose when he remembered the words of his brother, it was clear to him that Jin had no idea of ​​his circumstance and knew that no one gave much value to his broken heart. 

On the one hand, if they met with Chim Chim, it would be useless, he wouldn't stay with them because his pianist boy would be in the same place; and on the other, Tae's presence wasn't only uncomfortable, it was completely unpleasant, "like eating a cold nasty soup", Jungkook said very quietly, only to himself.

"Koooooooook!" the sharp voice rumbled in the ears of the black-haired guy, who turned his head with a sudden smile. Jiminie hugged him and kissed his cheek, blushing his friend; at least that public display of affection had helped Jeon realized that little Park also missed their closeness. 

"Hello, Jin hyung, hello... Nam hyung?" the short boy greeted them with a bow and was surprised to see his bestie's enemy walking by his side. 

"It's a long story," Joonie and Kookie answered in unison before releasing a laugh caused by the strange synchrony. Chim Chim wanted to stay and chat but he had promised to bring lunch to his 'almost-boyfriend', as he called him. He said goodbye, swore to his best friend that he would visit him soon and disappeared among a group of people.

They did ordinary carnival activities: they ate fried and sugary foods, they drank from a single can of beer that Jin bought, they won a pink stuffed rabbit and they got on a lot of rides. In fact, the only unusual thing had been the way they avoided the stages where the musicians played. 

No one could accuse the youngest for not trying his best to have a nice time with the others. However, there was still some tension between Nam and Jungkook, especially knowing that things could get out of control if Taehyung showed up. 

Now that the three boys were sitting on a bench, every time Jin talked about something, the other two looked at him with attention but limited themselves to answer with a couple of monosyllables. It looked like a painful dialogue between statues.

"I would like to speak with you," a fourth voice appeared out of nowhere, causing dizziness in the youngest. Kookie turned to meet Tae's bright eyes, who waited standing in front of him. His forearm was being held by Yoongi's strong hand; clearly the white-haired man thought that being there was a very bad idea. Jimin remained behind them, covering his face, as if the scene he was watching was part of a horror movie. 

"We're all together, if you want to say something you can do it here, FRIEND," Jin had never seen Taehyung before but he didn't have to be a genius to deduct that this guy was the one who had drained all his little brother's energy.

Jungkook felt a mix of shame and anger for being there. Let my head fall at this moment, he monologue; after all, he no longer knew the difference between being complete or torn apart. 

"Wait for me on that stage," Kookie replied quietly, causing Nam to petrify, Jin to dislocate his jaw and Tae to slowly walk away until he reached the place. Jimin did what he knew best: he smiled to lighten the spirits and introduced his 'good friend' Min Yoongi before sitting next to the other boys.

Jungkook and Taehyung settled on a fence that worked as a chair. 

"So?" said Kookie with an opaque voice. 

The saxophonist told him that he had been thinking about their situation and he still believed that it was best to stay away, romantically speaking. He assured him that, although they weren't on good terms due to all their slips, a possible solution was to move on and avoid letting the past preventing them from enjoying a good life. 

What Kook wanted to answer was something like: Why do people allow someone to fall in love only after being a couple or having sex? For me our kisses and licks were just as special as a fuck, even before that I could swear I was already in love with you. It's unfair; it's unfair that you think that just because you didn't put your dirty penis inside me you're not guilty for anything. He imagined shouting it, but what he really did was to keep quiet and contain the tears that were beginning to form in his eyes.

"Besides...", the gray-haired one spoke in a mocking tone "I can't keep putting up with the urge to pee every time we are in Music-Mind". 

The joke caused a slight giggle in Jungkook, who took advantage of it to rub his eyes and remove the droplets from his eyelashes. He managed to make Tae believe that his comment had been so funny that it made him weep, although in reality the boy was a tangle of mixed feelings. 

"Since I know that I've ruined you these past months I'd like to offer some free saxophone lessons... you don't have to buy one, you can use mine, we'll practice after Hoseok's class, he told me you're a great apprentice.... Listen, sorry if this sounds stupid, but I can't think of anything else I can do for you," the older one continued.

Kook wondered if that was really the best thing he could come up with, to teach him how to play a musical instrument, when the only thing he really wanted was a kiss like the one from that time or at least a sincere hug. 

"You lack imagination, Kim Taehyung. The remedy you're offering me is barely up to cure a sprain, not a broken heart," the response came out of his lips as a whisper that bristled the ears of the musician. 

Tae's chest began to beat, enraged, demanding him to steal a caress from Jungkook's pink mouth. But he didn't, he couldn't. Instead, he just answered something before getting up to go back with the others: 

"You're probably right, but you're not in a position to choose. Will you consider my offer?" 

Kookie nodded before taking a printed card with the saxophonist's name and cell phone. He followed him to the bench where the others were waiting for them. All his life was a big fat irony, but Kook managed to smile as he said something to himself: I finally have your number, Tae.

author's note: Thank you very much for reading this, guys. 


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