VII - Talk

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The group of students wore the same yellow T-shirts as they marched several miles under the fiery sky. Yellow, the contradictory color, the one that represents joy but also selfishness. That was the reason why they had chosen it, because it symbolized how they felt. All of them were forced to do their jobs perfectly, with enthusiasm and optimism, but the conditions in which they had to work were not pleasant at all. 

Taehyung and Hoseok walked side by side, determined to assert their rights as professional musicians. They couldn't believe that besides being forced to have at least two jobs to afford living in a mediocre apartment, the university orchestra where they studied and played was charging them so much money to pay for medical insurance.

A little less than a month ago, the Free University of Music where they were studying, had decided to raise the price of medical services up to the clouds and also demanded them to pay compulsory insurance. Their salaries as musicians for the small orchestra and as part-time teachers in Music-Mind didn't allow them to pay for that nonsense. Therefore, both had organized a furious crowd of students to protest in the streets. 

They had even asked Yoongi for help, who was self-taught and was not registered in any formal music institution because his 'official' major was Chemistry. However, even if he didn't have direct interference in the matter and attending the event seemed out of place for him, he had helped them by drafting petitions and letters to people in the higher ranks of power at the university. After all, they were all his colleagues and he was skilled and eloquent when it came to formal writing.

They knew that a student march could make the dean feel trapped, surrounded by hundreds of hard-working people who did nothing but demanding justice. But it hadn't been easy for Tae to organize this, not with Jungkook's figure constantly tormenting him and filling the left side of his chest with needles. 

The clutter of his life had reached its climax with the combination of economic and romantic chaos. His reality no longer seemed exciting for him; he was a man without a soul and a sleepy heart. 

"Affordable medical insurance for artists, affordable medical insurance for artists!!!" they shouted to choir after Tae said it first on the megaphone. Some carried guitars, small drums and even baks to combine the protest slogans with a powerful melody.

A few minutes later, the streetlights went on and the march had ended peacefully. The noise of the conversations raised and got dispersed when the students took different directions. Hoseok and Tae went to a nearby cafe with their signs rolled up and sweat-soaked yellow shirts. Now, the only thing that was left to do was to wait, and if it didn't work, they would have to repeat the protest more forcefully. 

"Thanks," said Hobi looking at his friend. 

"Thanks to you for not leaving me alone in this and helping me getting participants," the gray-haired guy replied after skimming the menu.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?" the taller one changed the subject without being subtle.

"Ah! Why are you asking me that again?" Tae answered his friend's question with a new inquiry.

"Just give me the summary, what is it about?"

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