Start from the beginning

Abir smiled – " good luck my friend...",and the doors of the elevator closed, taking Zoya up,and he sighed in reelif as he started to make his way out, it warmed his heart to know that Zoya would finally be out of misery soon.

And he also had full hope, that his heart would also take that path soon, Yana Mehra had changed with time, she had grown up a lot in the last five years, she had become more mature, more practical, but one look in her eyes over dinner yesterday had told him something she was desperately trying to hide- that she hadn't yet learnt how to escape his charm.

Good for him,that he still had truckloads of charm to whisk her off her feet, again.


Zoya stepped out slowly, with the support of her crutch as the lift door opened, and she made her way through the small corridor towards Asads room, and with every step, her heartbeats fastened, and as she neared the door, she took a deep breathe as she instructed herself to not hold back any longer, and with that she knocked on the door, that would take her to the love of her life.


440 AM

Asad twisted in bed, as he picked up his phone from the side desk to check the time, was it morning already??

No it wasn't, it was nearing 445am, and maybe he had hallucinated the constant knocking on the door, and he was almost about to turn back to his sleep, because he had anyways got sleep around 2am, after being deep in thought about how to deal with Zoya, but right then those knocks on the door were back, and he groaned as he got off his bed, and made his way to the door, with the thought of giving whoever it was a good piece of his mind, for disturbing him from his sleep at a unsuitable time like this.

He brushed a hand through his hair lazily, and yawned as he opened the door as he spoke rubbing his eyes – "you gotta be insane...", but the remaining of the words froze in midair, as he registered in the sight of a very nervous Zoya standing in front of him.

Was it really Zoya?? Or was he dreaming again, and this was a part of his dream, he looked back towards his bed, and took two steps back,and then two steps in front to where he was earlier, he did really just walk from his bed to the door, it was too real to be a dream,and then he looked towards the door again, and she was still there standing with a nervous look on her face.

He took a step further as his sleep vanished and he asked softly – " is it really you?? Or iv just gone crazy, that my dreams end up seeming like a reality.."


Zoya looked at him nervously as she asked softly – " may I come in??"

Asad nodded as he held the door until she walked in and he shut the door swiftly, and leaned back against it, as he looked at her, as she had turned to face him, standing just two steps away from him and he heard her speak – " you are right, I am insane to disturb you like this at this hour, but..."

Asad asked softly – " but what?? If you are here at this hour, and you' v come yourself to see me, then it must be really important.."

Zoya nodded slowly – " it is.."

Asad nodded – "cmon then have a seat..and tell me what is it??does this have something to do with Khushi???", he asked thinking only something of crucial importance related to his sister could bring Zoya to his door at this hour, and he asked softly – " has she met someone??"

Zoya looked at the ground as she spoke softly , gathering all her guts – " no this isn't about Khushi, and no, I will not take a seat.."

Asad shrugged, as he brushed a hand through his hair to get them in place, they really were messy from the sleep and he answered – " ohk....whatever pleases you, if you want to stand and talk then ok, I just want you to be comfortable..."

The Desperate Kingdom of Love**COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now