Chapter Forty Three: Love

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This.. may have been a fake death, but the thought of losing everyone I love and care for, made me realize that.. I love this man.

Looking at him, I see him glance down at me to give me a weak smile.

"(Y/n). We have a lot to talk about once we lay you down in Tazuna's house. For starters, the new hair and tattoos you pull off very well." Kakashi mused as he lifted me up even higher.

Placing my hands on his chest I let out a small laugh, "thanks. Guess I had to do a change in wardrobe."

Kakashi chuckling, he looks over his shoulder at Squad Seven, "we have a pretty good team. They're a good group of kids, don't you think?

"Yeah, they are." Whispering out I feel a shooting pain in my legs, moaning out in pain I clutch into Kakashi's bloodied vest. "Kakashi, you need to know something very important- now." His eyes meeting back at mine in panic he watches me intently. "The dream I had with Orochimaru, everything I told you about my hair, the tattoos, my body, my age, it's all happening and by the end of the week, I'll be back to my original height of five foot three inches- or so I think. My age will also change to me being seventeen years old, so my features will change slightly as I get older. Yoko, has said that the continuum of this world has finally caught up to me and that.. that I," my words slowing down I feel my eyelids become heavy. Slipping into darkness, I fight my conscious as it tries and drifts to one of a peaceful sleep, "Kakashi, it's.."

"Tell me the rest later, (Y/n), rest now," Kakashi's thumbs rubbing against my arms relaxingly, I allow myself to rest in his comforting arms. Falling asleep, I let Kakashi's body comfort me.

Opening my eyes slowly, I wake up to see Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura sleeping alongside me on the floor. Slowly sitting up onto my forearms I hiss in pain as I look to see myself in a different change of clothes. Specifically Kakashi's extra pair of sweatpants and bagging t-shirt. Looking at my comrades, I smile as I stare out our beautiful team. Moving my self from the comforters, I wobbly stand up on my two feet, I move from our room to the bathroom. Silently making my way to the bathroom, I lean against the walls of the house for support. Twisting the door handle open for the bathroom I step inside and flicker on the light. Turning to look in the mirror, I see my white hair flowing around me, underneath my eyes I have three triangular tattoos. My eyes dipping down to my arms, I see my tattoos on my arms, looking back in the mirror I find three tattoos on my neck. Lifting up my shirt, I find another large tattoo on my chest, turning around I find two large tattoos surrounding my back muscles of my shoulder. Rolling up my pants, I find four other tattoos, two on each thigh. Sighing I let a couple tears slip out from my eyes. Curiously looking at the top of my hands, I find the tattoos I showed Kakashi that were appearing on my hands, gone.

"Who am I anymore?" My tears falling down, I place my elbows on the wooden counter and place my head in my hands. "W-who am I?" Whispering out I feel a hand touch my back gently. My eyes lifting up quickly, I'm surprised to see Inari's mother, "I'm- I'm sorry did I wake you?"

Smiling gently she opens her arms for me, "you look like you need a hug dear." Her words coming out gently I let my tears fall more, as her mothering embrace makes me miss my own. Walking into her embrace quickly, I let my tears soak her shoulder, "(Y/n). I know I may not know what your going through, but I do know you are the same girl that will do anything to protect the people she loves. I heard what you did on the bridge (Y/n), your very noble." Inari's mother comforting me, I let her hold me up as my legs go numb.

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