Chapter One: Help me

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(A/n) Before we get started let me know if there's grammatical issues, or anything else major or tedious I need to fix. Also I hope you enjoy the story!
Also here's the key for the readers part:
(B/n): brothers name
(Y/n): your name
(L/n): last name
(H/c): hair color
(H/L): hair length
(S/c): skin color
(N/n): nickname

No HAteR's AlLoWeD

*also I may be giving away spoilers so I'm sorry you have been warned*

"No! Kakashi wake the hell up! I swear to god, if you let Pein get the best of you I'm gonna cry!" I scream at my laptop playing Naruto Shippuden for the 5th time over while I wait for the new episodes to come out.

Now I know what you may be thinking, 'this girls insane, if she's watched this anime 5 times she should know Kakashi survives'. Well either way it still gets the best of me.

Oh. By the way I'm sorry for forgetting to introduce my self. My names (y/n) (l/n), my favorite color is (f/c), I love ramen, I'm also on the shorter side of five feet and three inches (160. 02cm {I'm not good at conversions but I think that's it}) tall. My hair color is (h/c), and my hair is (h/l) short/long. For school I attend Public Community College, I have a bunch of great friends and a lovely family. My hobbies consist of anything involving art, sports, and martial arts.  Currently I reside in Queens, New York, but we're planning on moving to Minnesota in a month. 'It's such a drag' as Shikamaru would say.

Since you know pretty much everything about me now, I'm going to continue my rant about Kakashi dying.

"Kakashi, please, don't do this to me. Come back, you have your whole life ahead of you! Don't you dare freakin die! Not today! Not today," I scream at the laptop with my words getting softer and less audible as the tears roll down my cheeks.

Whenever some feels or experiences pain, I feel it along with them. Even if they don't care if they die at first and then in the after life realize they had more to live for; I feel that pain.

Clutching my chest as I feel my heart palpate I let the tears roll down my face uncontrollably. Usually I'm the tuff girl who doesn't cry, not even with cuts and bruises, but when I feel someone else's pain- I lose it. Especially with this show. For whatever reason I feel their pain, more than I feel my own.

Moving my hand from my chest I wipe the tears from face. 'He's going to be fine, just breathe (y/n), just breathe.' As soon as I collect my thoughts and emotions I take a deep breaths and get sucked back into my show.

After about 5 more episodes and my emotions flying everywhere. My hand stretched out for my phone to check the time only to see it's 3 o'clock in the morning.

"Next time I seriously need to put a timer on the laptop. Now I need to get packing otherwise mom's going to kill me." I mumble to my self, while rolling over to my last few tedious things I need to back.

Yes, I said rolled. Currently I'm laying on the floor, a blanket and one pillow. Since we're moving states we had to get rid of everything that would cause us huge trouble moving later on. It's not that big of a deal for me though, I'll sleep anywhere as long as I know I'm safe. Once I managed to roll across my room I pick up my Naruto dvds and began bubble wrapping them.

No way in hell will I let these break.

Bubble wrapping them gently, I then place them in the box. After a hour and a half later I managed to wrap all my dvds in bubble wrap. Taking the duct tape I tape the sides of the box two times and once down the middle of the flaps. Picking up a black sharpie marker I write my name on the side and that my dvds are in it.
Sighing in content I flop down on the floor. I'm so tired, tomorrow- I mean today, at nine I have to start moving the last boxes to the moving truck. Since we're going in a month the movers are heading out first and putting everything in our new house for us. Honestly I don't want to move, especially since I'm in the middle of college. Most twenty one year olds don't like moving actually, or any kidnapping to be exact. It is what it is, I guess.
Sighing I pick up my charging phone and see the time is five in the morning.

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