Chapter Sixty Seven: Strongest

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Letting out a breathe as I stepped into the small Ichiraku ramen shop, everyone turns around and gives me a smile.

"Hey guys! I got here as quick as I could! Sorry I'm late," I laugh lightly as I take a seat next to Kakashi.

Sitting down I look up, "so what will you have today (Y/n)? The usual?" Old man Teuchi said happily with his ladle up in the air over his shoulder. With a nod of approvement, he turns around and begins making noodles again, "this ones on the house (Y/n)!"

"Wow! Really? Thank you old man Teuchi!" I say happily as I take some chopsticks and break them in half happily.

"(Y/n). Can we ask you something?" Sakura voice quietly breaking my over joyous moment, my eyes widening in surprise I lean forward and look past Kakashi and to Sakura.

"Of course you can. What do you all want to ask me?" My eyes moving between Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto, I find my chest become heavy, as their features turn to ones of thoughtfulness. "Guys your scaring me, what's wrong? What do you need to tell me?"

"Well," Sasuke lifting his eyes to pierce mine, I let out a breathe as I see him stare at me. "We were wondering if after Lord Third's death, with the Anbu Black Ops, if you would be removed from Squad Seven."

My brows furrowing together, Naruto's voice piped in, "when we bumped into you on the street with those two guys, you were different.."

What do they mean?

"It-it was like the (Y/n), that we knew, was ripped away from us, and you were cold." Sakura stammered out, here eyes looking up at mine coyly.

"Guys I don't understand what your saying." My eyes moving back and forth between the three ninja, my shoulder is tapped by Kakashi. Shock coursing through me, I look up at Kakashi, "do you know what they mean?"

"Yes I do. It seemed as if you were with holding some information from us. Not the two witness you brought in for your mission, but something else. The coldness of your aurora was not radiating from your field experience, but for something personal. As your squad, we do deserve to know what that is. You have these three worried the most." Kakashi lifting his hand he points his fingers at the three young ninja, a blush dusting their cheeks in embarrassment. "They think you won't have time to be a part of the team, and their worried."

Biting my bottom lip, air puffs up my cheeks as I try to withhold a laugh, "y-you care!" Letting out a hardy laugh I feel tears of laughter roll down my cheeks, "you guys!" Laughing so hard, I spin back and lay my face on the table. "Haha! Oh this is so classic!" Laughing hard I feel the gazes of my team members on me.

"(Y/n)!" Sakura yelled, "this is serious!"

"Hey! Come on (Y/n), we're just worried, believe it!"

"Hm." Sasuke huffed out at me.

Lifting my head from the counter I wipe away my tears from my laughter, "I know you guys." Letting out a few more giggles I pull out the little girls drawing from earlier. A small smile on my lips, I unfold it carefully. Laying it on the table, I slid it down in front the three. "Listen. You guys aren't completely wrong. I do have something very important to tell you. Though I may.. turn it down."

"Here's your bowls of perfectly cooked ramen!" Teuchi said happily as he placed my bowl of food in front of me, then Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, and lastly Naruto.

My eyes looking up at him I give a smile happily, "I was starving! Thank you so much for the food!" Not wasting anytime, my chopsticks dig into the ramen, and the food is quickly passed to my mouth.

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