Chapter Fifty Four: Sister

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Waking up on Kakashi's chest, I raise my head to look up at him.

This is the last morning I can spend with him.. the preliminaries for the third chunin exam start this afternoon.

Smiling as I look up at him, I move my hand from his shoulder slowly, lifting up the blanket to cover him more. His eye flutters open with the sudden movement, looking at me, a smile appearing on his lips showing through his mask. Turning on his side to face me, he wraps a arm around my stomach.

"Sleep some more, I'm not ready to let go of you," Kakashi mumbled out as he placed a kiss on my nose, before cuddling in the crook of my neck. A small laugh escaping my lips, I find my arm wrapped around Kakashi. My lips upturning into a smirk, I move my hand down to his butt before giving it a squeeze. Kakashi's arm pulling me over him, he drops me on the floor. My body colliding with the jars wood floor, my jaw drops in shock.

"You did not just kick me off the couch for squeezing that nice ass of yours!" Yelling at Kakashi in shock, he completely ignores me as he takes over the couch. "That's it!" Pushing my palms down on the ground, I lift myself up, standing along side the couch I place my hands on my hips as I look at him. My eyes narrowing I lift my elbow up, giving it a good tap with my other hand, I jump up in the air before slamming it down on to Kakashi, "WWE Smackdown!" My body colliding onto his, he groans out in pain as I lay on top him with a smile.

"Why'd you do that?" Kakashi groaned out as he rotated to lay flat on his back. My face staring point blank at his I give a cheeky smile. "And what's WWE smackdown?"

"It's a wrestling show back home." I reply as I stare at his tousled grey hair and onyx eye staring at me. Moving my hands to Kakashi's face, I pull down his mask, placing a kiss on his lips. He kisses back gently, moving against mine, I feel them go numb as we move in sync. Pulling away unwillingly, Kakashi's hands move to my hips, looking at him I give a small smile. "Good morning, Kakashi."

"Good morning (Y/n)." Laying my head down on Kakashi's chest, I close my eyes as I breathe out my exhaustion. "Don't be nervous, I'm sure they won't be mad at you." One hand moving to my back, he rubs its soothingly.

"You promise?"

"Well, I can't promise someone else's emotions (Y/n), but I can believe in my knowledge of my students behaviors they will not be mad at you. Naruto may be angry at you for being in the anbu for a little,. Sasuke may have a attitude with you, and Sakura may view you more differently, but they will forgive- and overlook this. You can't help you were gifted with amazing skills and talent, nonetheless you worked on the other things you weren't so good at, and made your skills astonishing. You've surpassed me and the previous Hokage in such a short amount of time you've been here.. I think everyone can appreciate that."

"Thanks." Getting up from Kakashi's body, I reach my hand out for Kakashi to take and get up. "We have to get going, the preliminaries are going to begin in thirty minutes. Get up, and get dressed." Placing his hand in mine, I pull him to his feet. Walking away, I grab my spare set of clothing. Stripping off my clothes, I change into my outfit as I hear Kakashi do the same. Leaving the room, I go and brush my teeth quickly, comb my hair, and return back to the room. Grabbing my kunai holder I turn around to face Kakashi as I strap it to my leg. Looking up I see Kakashi tie his headband around his head, pulling the stray gray hairs from his face, securing it behind with the rest of his gravity defying hair, he looks at me. "I'll meet you at the arena. I should go and meet up with my team members, even though from here on out it's all individual trials."

"Alright. Be careful for these matches, I've heard that there's some strong genin this year." Kakashi nonchalantly walking towards me, he places his hand on my head, patting it gently. "Remember. If that curse seal ever comes undone, I'll have to step in and stop the match." My eyes narrowing at his stern look, I lift my hand and smack his gloved hand off me.

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