Chapter Eleven: Exam

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Let me know about grammar! Enjoy.

"We will now start the final exam." Iruka sensei announced in front of the classroom. With one hand folded behind him and a paper in the other he held it eye level. "When your name is called proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on the clone jutsu." Looking over I see Naruto groan while holding his face.

"Naruto Uzumaki!" Iruka yelled "come with me, you will be first." Leaving the room Iruka goes to the testing room, Naruto following slowly behind.  Standing up from my seat I jog to the front of the classroom and catch his arm.

"Naruto, you can do it. Believe me, I know you'll be a ninja." Giving him a smile I let go of his arm.

"Ye-yeah (Y/n) I will, Believe it!" Naruto said giving me a smile and a thumbs up before leaving the classroom. Feeling stares at my back I see the fanboys freaking out about how Naruto got touched by me. Then people saying why would I be friends with him, when he's a complete loser. Turning around I feel my cheeks heat up in anger.

"If you got something to say, say it! Say it to my face or I'll say it to my fist!" Screaming that at my fellow classmates made them shrink in size as I crack my knuckles and put my fists up. "That's what I thought," making my way to the back of the classroom with the last seat open. Sitting down I place my feet on the table and lean back in my seat. One by one everyone started talking again as they were called out for the exam. Closing my eyes and waiting for my name to be called, I feel someone sit next to me. Reopening my eyes I glance to my right and see Shikamaru.

"What's up?" He asked putting his feet on the table as well and placing his arms behind his head.

"Nothing much, what about you Shika?" Looking at him I see him question the nickname I gave him.

"Hey, it's either that or pineapple head. You know cause your hair looks like a pineapple. Ya know?" With a light laugh at the end I see him cringe at that nickname.

"Shika, is okay... I guess. Also, nothing much, this exam is such a drag." Shika said letting out a long breathe.

Letting a giggle escape my lips I poke his cheek, "don't be so troublesome Shika. Plus you'll pass no problem so at least you don't have to worry about it, and then make it even more a drag." I say closing my eyes and nodding silently.

"Sure, I guess your right. Women are so troublesome, but your okay (Y/n)." Shikamaru said as I felt him pat my head. Opening my eyes I see Shikamaru giving me a small smile. "We should go cloud watching some day together." Removing his hand from my head he crossed his arm back behind his head.

Smiling I nodded, "sure! How about after the exams?" I ask facing him, seeing him nod in agreement.

"Shikamaru Nara!" Mizuki yelled at the door. Then Shika got up from his spot and sighed.

"What a drag, see you after (Y/n)." Seeing him push his chair in he walks to the front of the class and put the classroom with Mizuki.

Oh yeah, he's still here. Still can't wait for Naruto to beat the living hell out of him.

Seeing everyone leave the classroom I found I was the last one. "Well jeez I feel special." Just as I said that the door went sliding open. Iruka sensei's head popped in the classroom.

"Ha, sorry about you being the last one (Y/n). You just arrived to the academy yesterday, so we almost forgot about you, because you weren't on the roaster list. It's time for your exam now, come with me." Iruka said waving his hand to follow him. Standing up from my seat, I quickly follow him to the testing room. Almost to quickly, as I trip over my feet and land on him tackling me and Iruka Sensei to the floor.

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