Chapter Fifty Three: Reason for a home

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"It's the only way my blood with the curse mark seal can travel up your body, if your completely naked on the top. It's not the most functional for a women, as yourself, but it's the only way it'll work." Kakashi walking towards me, moves my hand from the curse mark to take a look. His eye showing anger, he closes it, before looking back down at me. "(Y/n). I, I'm sorry that I couldn't-"

"-don't you dare say anything else. Kakashi Sensei. As my job, as Captain of the Anbu Black Ops, a jonin ninja for Hidden in the Leaves, as apart of team seven, I'm going to experience pain. Not only that, but loss, my fears, and creeps like Orochimaru are always going to come after me. So please, don't beat yourself up about," my words being cut off I fall to the ground in pain.

"(Y/n)," crouching down next to me, Kakashi hugs me like a fragile piece of glass. "I love you, your the one who pulled me out of my darkness that surrounded me. You saved me from myself, the least I can do is save you in return." His giant hand on my back, he rubs it soothingly, "please, let me seal this for you."

Pulling us apart slightly, I peer into his eye, "I.. I saved you?"

A small smile outlined on his mask, he slowly nods, "yes. You did." Closing my eyes, I lean my forehead against Kakashi's, the cool metal of his headband on my skin, goosebumps arise. My heart doing backflips at the new information, I feel a blush dust on my face.

"All right Kakashi, I'll let you seal this curse mark," moving out of Kakashi's embrace completely, I walk to the middle of the laid out curse seal. Sitting down on my knees, I look over my shoulder to see Kakashi already writing the words in his blood around me. Looking back at the dark wall, I slowly peel off my shirt and bra, holding my hands up, I cover my breast.

"Okay (Y/n), it'll be over quickly." Kakashi writing the markings on my body, "you ready?" Looking over my shoulder, I nod up at him. Kakashi making a bunch of hand signs, he stops, "curse sealing." Placing his palm on the curse mark, my eyes widen as the pain courses through me. Screaming out in pain, I close my eyes as I feel the nasty spread of Orochimaru's chakra collect into the specified spot. Kakashi moving his palm from the curse mark, I feel my head throb in agonizing pain. My breathing ragged I look back at Kakashi, "there, now when that curse mark starts acting up again, it should keep it in check. Remember, this curse sealing jutsu is only as strong as your will, it derives it's power from the strength of your will. If that will ever weakens, if you ever begin to doubt yourself, the curse will be unleashed in all its fury." My vision blurring, I feel the burning sensation in my body slowly numb me all over.

"I know that," falling face down on the floor, I let my eyes stay slightly open. "It's not only my will that will save me though Kakashi, it's the others will to believe in me, that will keep me afloat." Feeling something cover my body, I open my eyes a little more to see Kakashi's vest covering me. Looking up at him, he kneels down next to me. Placing his hand on my cheek gently, he smiles at me softly.

"Your right," placing a kiss on my forehead, he looks down at me softly. "The second test for the chunin exams will be done in two days, rest up today. Tomorrow we'll test out your abilities, and how far you can use them completely without draining all your chakra." Kakashi's arms picking me up slowly, he lifts me up in his arms. Walking over to the door, he stops before standing me on my feet. Zippering up the jacket, he picks me back up, opening the door he walks in the room with me in his arms. "Lord Hokage, can you send someone to the Anbu Black Ops locker room, there she should have a spare change of clothes. The others are of no use, with all the blood and tears in them." Looking at them all I see him give a curt nod before looking towards Kotetsu and Izumo; looking at back at Lord Hokage and then towards me, a blush covers their faces as they both nod. Quickly, they scurry outside the room, with a small closing sound of the wooden door, they hurry off to get my clothes.

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