Chapter Eight: Itachi Uchiha

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(A/n): That's your outfit color and hair and eyes- except remember u don't have the swords also ur skin color can be any- that'll be in the story as (S/c) oki!!! Okay!

After I said that, Iruka sensei nodded. "Everyone get in line! We will start the review of the transformation jutsu now!" Iruka said as everyone got up from there seats and begun lining up in front of the desks. Slowly I drag my feet to between Kiba and Hinata.

"What a drag im so tired I have no motivation for this once so ever," I say as I fold my hands behind my head and walk over. Sakura then steps up and puts her hand in the transformation jutsu sign.

"Alright, Sakura here lets do it. Transform!" Then there was a puff of smoke as she transformed into Iruka Sensei and still had her hand in the sign.

"Transformed into me. Good." Iruka says with a straight face while holding his clipboard and pen. Sakura then went back to her normal self and held her hands in front of her chest with her eyes close and a blush on her cheeks.

"Yes! I did it!" Iruka giving her a soft smile as she did that.Laughing a little I look at Sakura as I bet her inner self is freaking. "Sasuke did you see that?" Sakura exclaimed as her arms flew behind her and she leaned forward staring at Sasuke.

"Next, Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka said ignoring Sakura's comment as she moved away from the front of the class. As Sasuke walked up in front of Iruka sensei. He prepared the hand sign, also transformed into Iruka sensei.

"Uh- good" Iruka said looking up from his clipboard. After Iruka said that a giant puff of smoke appeared and he was back to his cocky self with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Then walking away slowly.

"Next, Naruto Uzumaki!" With Naruto's body crouched a little and his hands on his waist Shikamaru looked at him and started to complain.

"This is a total waste of time Naruto." Shika said with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"We always pay for your screw ups!" Ino added on while side glaring at Naruto as well. While one hand was on her hip and the other just laying by her side. Acting almost as if she was superior.

"Like I care." Naruto said grumpily to them both as he walked forward. Then as I looked at my side. What I saw was Hinata with a major blush on her face as she took her two pointer fingers and started poking them together as the rest of her fist balled together. Following her sight I see she's looking at Naruto.

Ohh yeah, they are so goals when they get older.

Letting out a light laugh as I drop my arms to my sides I whisper to Hinata.

"You should seriously talk to him sometime. Naruto wouldn't mind to have a friend like you." Seeing Hinata take a glance back at me, she slowly nods as her blush deepens.

"O-o-oka-ay" Hinata says shyly.

"Meanwhile, we should be best friends and I'll help you with some tips to talk to Naruto." Shooting Hinata a small closed eyes smile I give her a thumbs up. "Kay?" Hearing a giggle escape her lips she nods at me. Then turns her head back to Naruto to watch him and doing the hand thing she was doing before. Then Naruto crouched down making the hand sign.

Immense chakra surrounded him- circling around his body as he said "transform!" He then did his Sexy jutsu. Not being able to contain my laughter I let my laugh come out while I held my stomach and a tear slipped from my eyes. Iruka Sensei's shock rushing through him like a river, his complete in udder shock made him a major nose bleed, sending him flying back. Naruto then undid the jutsu and was back to himself as he laughed and pointed to Iruka while holding his stomach.

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