Chapter Fifty Six: Support

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Smirking as I stand in front of Toshio for our match, lifting his shoulder, he shrugs, "guess you were right. To bad I have to bash that pretty face of yours in."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I quickly grab a kunai from my leg strap, "can't say the same to you. I'm going to enjoy messing your ugly face up even more."

"Yeah you go (Y/n)!" I hear Sakura yell from the stands.

"Get him!" Naruto also screams.

"The power of youth shall guide you (Y/n)!" Lee yelled with enthusiasm. Laughing at his confidence filled words, I lift my kunai in front of me.

"Ready to get this show on the road?" Toshio nodding to my words, he quickly runs at me making handsigns.

"Water style: raging waves!" The water shooting at me, my eyes widen as I jump up in the air, dodging the attack. Throwing my kunai at Toshio, he easily dodges it with a smile. My feet landing back on the now water soaked floor, I see him smirk. "Lightning release!" My eyes widening as he sends lightening through the water, I jump up only to have multiple shuriken thrown at me. Lifting my hands I use the substitution jutsu. Appearing on the ground as the electricity vanishes, I kick him up in the air by his chin. Continuously kicking him up, I make a shadow clone, appearing in front of him. My clone punching him down into my kick I undo the jutsu just in time as I kick him up in the air one last time. Grabbing his forearm with my right arm I flip him around to face me, yanking him closer to me by his scarf in my left hand, I ready my right fist. Lifting my right fist up, I punch him across the face multiple times.

Blood coming out his mouth I quickly disappear behind him, "Megami's light!" Kicking him down onto the ground, a crater appears where his body lands, landing on top of Kazuma's body my legs on both sides of him, I grab his collar with my left hand. Pulling my fist back, I pound in his face and stomach.

He should be done after this, he's only a genin, I shouldn't pound on him so hard.

Making a 'tsking' sound from my mouth, I let out a heavy sigh as I release his collar and let his head fall to the ground. Jumping out of the crater I look to Hayate.

"He's done. If I continue this any further he'll sustain more injury than necessary, and I want him to walk away, not be carried away on a stretcher by medical ninja." Hayate's eyes moving to the crater he sighs, in turn making him cough into his hand once more.


"No! I'm not finished just yet!" Toshio crawling out of the crater slowly he wraps his left arm across his ribs, clutching at them in pain. "Y-you have to fight me! I won't give up!" Reaching into his back pouch with his right hand, he grabs shuriken, throwing them at me swiftly, I dodge them with ease. My eyes staring at Toshio I see them filled with annoyance of himself.

"You want to fight me, then let's fight. Come at me, Toshio!" Yelling at him, I see his eyes flicker in determination. Moving his left arm from his ribs, he nods to him self as he reaches both arms behind in his pouch pulling out kunai stringed with paper bombs. Throwing them at me, I quickly jump in the air were he always begins to throw shuriken. Quickly grabbing a kunai from my leg strap, I deflect the shuriken on the ground, just as the paper bombs went off. Landing on the wall that supported the second level I stare at Toshio. The smoke from the explosion clearing, I see his hazel eyes widen in shock at my survival. "Maybe if you got a different opponent Toshio, you could have become a chunin. I'm sorry it has to be this way. Though I was planning on just using tai jutsu, I'll use one of my own signature jutsu I created, and finish you off. Any last words?"

Toshio laughing he shakes his head, "no way you won't be able to nail me with whatever your doing."

Raising my eyebrows tauntingly, I step back down onto the ground, "well.. I warned you." Pulling my arms to my side, I power up my chakra outside of me, in a sphere, the chakra moves to my feet. "Splinter Resshūken!" Kicking the chakra ball, it quickly breaks off into smaller chakra spheres, attacking Toshio at all different angles he manages to dodge five before one hitting him in his stomach. His eyes widening from impact, his body slumps over, however more of my chakra coming at him, he realizes it was to late to dodge. Lifting his arms as his last defense he gets pummeled with my chakra. Screaming out in pain, his scarf and shirt slowly tears to shreds on impact. Falling down onto the floor unconscious, I walk over to Toshio casually. Sensing his presence, I notice his vitals lower, meaning he was really knocked out. Squatting down along side him, I move chakra to my hands, moving it over his chest I feel his heart beat at a steady rate. Rib fractures, and a little bit of damaged tissue here and there, but nothing a good doctor or hospital couldn't fix.

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