Chapter Seventy Six: Departure

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Smiling as I whisk Kakashi's silver hair out of his face, I feel his hands tighten around my still bared skin waist, pulling me closer against him.

"Did I mention your beautiful?" Kakashi mumbled as he leaned in, pressing our foreheads against one another's.

Rolling my eyes I give a nod, "you do know I'm more than just beautiful.." I slyly say as I see his onyx eye flicker with amusement and a laugh passes through his lips.

"I thought I told you this already, but I guess I'll keep saying it until you remember." Kakashi moving one hand from my waist, he lets it cup the side of my cheek. Pulling us together he places a small sweet kiss on my lips. "I'm not a.. judgmental person. Honestly, looks don't matter to me. I call you beautiful because your beautifully smart, beautifully skilled, and yes, it just so happens that you are a beautiful women- but that's not what I only care about. Your intellect- your brain- it's beautiful." Heat undoubtedly rushing to my face, I stare up at the man I love wide eyed.

"This-s is exactl-ly why everyone loves you, ugh." I manage to stutter out as Kakashi peers down at me in amusement. His hand moving to my shoulder he rubs it gently.

"And you?"

"And 'me' what?"

"Do you feel that same specific emotion for me?" Kakashi hums our as his hand stops massaging my shoulder and gently moves down against my back.

Letting a smirk tinge on my lips, I tsk, "I don't know.. now and days you have to be careful when your with young people. Aish, I mean.. I guess I do love you like everyone else does- but just a tad- no- a ocean fulled more." Kakashi laughing at my choice in words, he snuggles me even closer if possible.

"I'm happy you feel that way about me (Y/n) Megami." Moving his lips to my forehead he places a kiss. Smiling, I slowly untangle my body from Kakashi, earning a whine in disappointment of the loss of contact. "Where are you going beautiful?" Laughing, I let the white linen sheets cover me as much as possible as I sit on the side of the bed. Reaching over to the chair I grab our clothes and toss Kakashi his clothes. Secretly hiding his mask with me for the time being.

"Get dressed. Lets get going." Getting my clothes on, I hear Kakashi groan, but also do the same.

"Buzzkill..." I hear Kakashi mumble as I finish putting on my top. Turning around, I see him standing up with all his clothing on. Well, almost all his clothing. "Do you have my mask?" Kakashi asked as he checked the bed for the mask. Walking over to the chair besides me, he checks throughly as well. Standing back up straight, he looks at me. "Hand it over," Kakashi sighed as he held his hand out for the missing item. Raising my eyebrows I let a huff out in surprise as I purse my lips and shake my head.

"Not until you say 1. That I'm not a buzz kill, and 2. That you love me with all your heart, body, and soul." Kakashi laughing, he looks down at me. Sitting down in the chair, he motions me over to sit with him. Rolling my eyes, I get up and sit on his lap. "Yes daddy, what do you want?" I say sarcastically as I give a very thick and sarcastic smile, causing Kakashi to roll his eyes and laugh.

"Enough. Baby, your not a buzzkill. If anything your the buzz, that kills because your that great." Kakashi says with a corney smile, making his beauty mark move along with his facial expressions. Lifting his hand, he rubs his hand down my hair. "And I love you, with all my 'heart, body, and soul.'" Kakashi says with the same exact words I used. Leaning in he gives me a quick peck on my lips, making me pout. Laughing, he leans in once more and lets his soft lips capture mine in a sweet kiss.

Pulling away I smile at him, "now you've earned your mask back. Your lucky I love you enough to let you off the hook so easily." I say joking around as I pull the mask from my pocket and hold it in my hand. Kakashi reaching for it, I quickly move my hand back. "Let me do it for you, you rarely let me." I mumble back as I lean over his shoulder, placing the mask around his neck loosely and zipping it up in the back. I pull his mask back up to cover his beautiful face. Getting off of Kakashi, I walk to the exit, and open the door. Feeling Kakashi follow behind me I glance over my shoulder quickly, "I'll go tell the nurses on duty that I'll be leaving now." Turning around Kakashi wraps his arms around my waist. "Why don't you go back to your place, and I'll see you." I ask as lift my hands to wrap around his neck, my fingers gently playing with his hair.

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