Chapter Forty One: Scream

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A/n: VERY IMPORTANT! Above shows all the markings on you, but ur outfit is still the same like on the right! So ur only markings showing are the ones on ur forearm and upper! (Those sketches are mine and I have copyrights for that)

Btw plz vote for me in the wattys! #1 narutolovestory! & #5 in Kakashixreader

"Look at your hair," mumbled Yoko Kurama as he crossed his arms against his chest, leaning against the black bars. My eyes widening, I move my hair in the back from my pony tail, to see my hair completely white.

"Oh my.." my breathe becoming shallow I close my eyes, and reopen them, to see my hair still the same. "This is exactly what happened in my dream with Orochimaru! What else is different about me, Yoko! Hurry, I have to get back to the battle!"

"Look at your arms. You've got some tattoos on you," Yoko mumbled as his gold eyes flickered down to my arms. "They look ancient from the times I roamed on the earth freely, before I was imprisoned and placed in you, forever reeking of human stench." My eyes flickering down to my arms, I see my forearms covered it what looked like lightning wrapping around my arm. Moving up to the top of where my arm ends, I see a giant circle atop a weird looking shaped crescent shape.

"Tell me what this is," I mumble out as I lift my head and look at Yoko. "Now!"

"It's whenever you use your chakra, the more you strenuously use it, your age and time finally catches up to you. From 'your' world, and this one. In a weeks time, you'll look the age of a seventeen year old the true age you really are. Though you will not retain the looks you had in that previous life, you will be seventeen once more, however your features will not progress any further. Your age, however, will continue on just as everyone else's. You'll just look younger than you really are, which most women wish they could have. This can be explained later on to you, however.. this you must discover on your own." My eyebrows raising, I look at Yoko's expression, knowing all well, he wasn't lying.

"Okay. I can live with that, we are going to talk later. I have to get back to the battle." Closing my eyes, I breathe in as I release a huge amount of chakra. Yelling out as my chakra pours out of me, I open my eyes to see Sasuke, and Naruto staring at me crazily. My chakra lighting up the darkened bridge, I slowly stand on my two feet. Breathing, I close my eyes, and all my chakra clicks back inside my body. "Naruto, Sasuke, I'm sorry for the delay. What are we doing?" I say quickly as I reach to my leg strap pulling out a kuani. Spinning it around my finger, I clutch it in my hand, turning to look at them both I see them mentally checked out. "Naruto! Sasuke! I asked what we're doing!"

"Y-your hair, and your arms, your face-, there," Naruto began before I sharply cut him off.

"Nothing of importance right now, Sasuke! Check back into your brain!"

Sasuke shutting his mouth, finally nodded in acknowledgement, "This knucklehead just snuck in here before you woke back up. Which is the worst possible mistake he could ever make!"

Laughing lightly, I shoot Naruto a smile of appreciation, "it's okay Naruto we'll get this taken care of. Don't stress it. For now I need you two over here, I have an idea." Both of them nodding, they cautiously make their way towards me. "Put our backs to each other, well guard each other's blind spots as I tell you the plan." Naruto and Sasuke placing their backs against mine, I slowly close my eyes an reopen them with determination, as I begin to whisper to the both of them. "Sasuke. As an Uchiha I know you can use Fire ball jutsu. To try and melt the mirrors, I would use scorch style, or volcanic style, but if he deflects it, it might hit one of us. And I can't allow a comrade to get hurt because of carelessness. So I'll also do it at the same time and see were we get, understood?" Sasuke and Naruto both nodding at my plan, a ray of senbon was thrown at us. "Now!" Making the signs for fireball jutsu, I quickly ball up the chakra in my chest.

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