Chapter Twenty: Failed Attempt

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"You told us not to eat breakfast. How am I suppose to fight when I'm starving to death!" Naruto yelled at Kakashi Sensei again as his eyes turned to slitd again. "No one ate besides (Y/n)! It's not fair!" Hearing my name brought up I let an embarrassed blush creep on my cheeks.

Well jeez, I guess I am the only one who ate besides Kakashi.

"Mhm, oh she did, did she." He mumbled walking away from Naruto and his soaking wet form on the ground.

"So you caught me off guard that's all it was, believe it! I'm so hungry I don't have any strength, but I can't let it stop me I gotta get one of those bells no matter what. I'll find the strength some how, believe it. I'm going to pass this test and I'm not going back to the academy." Seeing Naruto's eyes wide with determination as Kakashi stops in his tracks listening to what he was saying. Watching the water I wait for Naruto's clone jutsu to pop out any moment. "I will become a ninja." Suddenly those words seemed to trigger the clones to rise from the water with the waves going crazy. "Haha your over confident Sensei, that's why you weren't ready for a shadow clone attack, my best jutsu!" Smiling proudly at Naruto I feel my heart fill with pride.

Like I said, you will become Hokage. You're number one jutsu being shadow clones to help you out in a crisis.

Naruto's clones immediately begin to charge at Kakashi Sensei, each taking in a different angle and side to him

"Great technique, but I don't think you can maintain that technique for long." Kakashi says boringly as he looks at Naruto with his one eye, as blank as ever. "You talk like your the best Naruto, but your still the worst student. You can't beat me with this jutsu."

"Didn't you say 'don't let your enemy's get behind you', good advice Sensei. Believe it!" The clone on Kakashi's back said as all the Naruto's grabbed ahold of Kakashi.

"Now this ones for nailing me in my butt! Your mine and so are those bells." Naruto yells in the air reading his fist to knock Kakashi out. Finally nailing the punch he ends up hitting his shadow clone and knocking both of the Naruto's down. "It's you your Kakashi sensei aren't you? You transformed into me using a jutsu!" Naruto yelled angrily while pointing at his shadow clone and punching him again. Soon enough all the shadow clones Naruto made where in one big match against each other.

Sighing I let my smile drop, I almost forget that he does the stupidest thing after performing his shadow clone jutsu.

Seeing Naruto undo his jutsu finally realizing that none of them were Kakashi and just him self, his body and face was covered in bruises.

"A bell? I must've got to him with my attack!" Naruto yelled running towards the bell on the ground. "He dropped a bell!" Reaching his hand down for the bell laughing in happiness his lower half flipped upside down. Hanging from the tree while his body did the worm with rope wrapped around his ankles. "Hey, hey, hey! Let me down! What is this, oh come on, the bell!"

"Think before you use a jutsu, otherwise your opponent might use it against you." Kakashi said sighing as he lectured a upside down Naruto while picking up the bell from the ground and standing back up straight. "Oh and also, if the bait is obvious don't take it." Immediately after the lecture Naruto's face morphed into one of anger as his body wiggled around. "A ninja must see through deception."

"I, get, it!" Naruto yelled while his arms flapped like a bird.

"I'm telling you this because you don't get it, which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it? Won't you ever learn?" With those last words kunai and shuriken stabbed Kakashi sensei on the side flinging him away from Naruto.

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