Chapter Forty Six: Very skilled shinobi

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A/n: IMPORTANT!! Outfit later on:
The skirt thing color is blue- like Kakashi's color blue, along with that single strap along ur shoulder is blue. Underneath the color is black for the breast, and then black shorts. Your shorts are grey, and so is ur belt. The little arm clasp thingy at the left is grey as well. Also- you guys made thirty likes and so I'm posting! Thanks- u guys are great,

Standing up from my white linen bed, I take the anbu uniform from Kakashi's hands.

"I took all those gifts to your house for you, on the way I bumped into Tenzō and he said these would definitely fit you based on the medical reports of your permanent height after all the changes you've dealt with." Slipping off the robe without a second thought I start slipping on the new anbu uniform. Looking up I see Kakashi sigh, "today's the start of the chunin exams."

"I know. After I'm sworn in I'm suppose to watch the chunin exams in the second round." I mumble quietly as I stand up straight and look at Kakashi. Walking towards him, I wrap my arms around his neck, "so. Do you think the entire team will show up for the exam?"

Kakashi's eye glancing down at me knowingly he sighs, as he places his hands on my hips, "I don't know." Letting a small giggle pass my lips I peck his masked lips.

"Have faith in our team Kakashi." Resting my head in the crook of his neck, I feel my body relax. "I'm so nervous about getting the tattoo for the anbu, I hate things poking me."

A chuckle escaping Kakashi's lips his hands move to my back and rubs it soothingly, "it goes quicker than you think beautiful." Pulling away I pout at Kakashi, his hand moving to my head, he pats me thoughtfully. "I love you, but you worry to much sometimes. You'll be just fine, beautiful."

My heart skipping a beat at those three words I smile happily, "I love you too, Kakashi." Smiling down at me he places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Let's get you going, to be sworn in- you must meet in the Hokage's office. There they will give you the tattoo and all the information you need. Mean time, I have to go wait for the chunin exams." Kakashi stated as we untangled ourselves from each other, "see you later."

Bowing respectfully, me and Kakashi leave the hospital, walking our separate ways I make way towards the Hokage's office. Climbing the long stairs to the hallway, I look at the wooden door.

This is it.. where my life will change.

Raising my fist I knock on the door, "come in." Grumbled old man third, opening the door I walk in to see Tenzō standing next to the Hokage. "Oh, (Y/n), welcome. You ready to become Captain?"

Smiling I give a thumbs up, "as ready as I'll ever be."

Tenzō laughing lightly he nods at me, "good. Now let's get this show on the road." Walking to the middle of the room, I kneel down in front of the Hokage's desk.

"As from this moment on, you will becoming the acting Captain of the Anbu Black Ops. You will not only assume this position for yourself, but for those who cannot protect themselves. The civilians of the Leaf Village, the next generation, everyone. Will you accept this (Y/n) (L/n)?"

"Yes, I will accept this position with honor, Lord Hokage." My eyes lifting to see the old man, I see him smile at me.

"Good. After you introduce yourself to everyone, your first assignment I request you to do is monitor the chunin exams." Standing up as I look at Lord Hokage I give him a smile before bowing swiftly.

"I won't disappoint you old man," lifting my hand I make my transportation sign. "Tenzō, I'll see you later." Appearing in the locker room of the active anbu, everyone yells in surprise. "Hello everyone. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I am from now on the Captain, I really do hope we can all get along well." Smiling I place my hands on my hips as I see everyone sweat drop.

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