Chapter Eightteen: Tenzō sensei

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"My name is Tenzō, I will be your instructor. You should call me Tenzō sensei, and I will call you.." he asks as his eyes looked at mine awaiting a response.

"(Y/n) or (l/n) is just fine. Unless you have another nickname in mind I'm okay with anything- as long as it's not vulgar or weird." Letting out a light laugh I stretch my hand out waiting for my hand shake. Seeing him look down at my hand, he takes it with a strong grip. Smiling at him we both release are hands from each other. Turning around I bow at Lord Hokage. "Thank you for this opportunity, I will not disappoint."

"Of course you won't, I am Hokage, I know what's best for you and the village. From here on out you will be Captain Yamato to everyone else who asks why you are training (Y/n) when your outside on the training grounds. You and Tenzō are dismissed from here, goodnight you two." Lord Hokage says getting back to work.

Both of us nodding at him, Yamato opens the door for me and I smile and thank him walking ahead as he walks subtly behind me.

"So Tenzō, that's a cool name."

"Yes, but whenever we are out and see people refer to me as Captain Yamato. As Lord Hokage said, this will remain covert." Tenzō says his eyes looking at me as he makes that creepy face I always saw on shippuden. Not being able to contain my laugh from his expression, I feel my cheeks puff out before I finally burst out laughing. Placing my hand on his shoulder for my balance and wiping away some tears from my face.

"I'm sorry, your hilarious. When you try to make that scary face of yo-ours I think I just might die of laughter and not the anbu training." Slowly I feel my laughter slow down into a giggle. Looking up at Tenzō I see him giving me his usually straight face.

"Your going to be one interesting student, Miss (L/n)." Hearing him say that I immediately remove my hand from his shoulder and hop in front of him stopping him in his tracks. Seeing his eyes look at me suspiciously almost asking me what I'm doing he tries to side step me, but I mimic his movements. He then tried side stepping in the other direction, mimicking him fully. Seeing him smirk he uses chakra through his feet to climb the wall. Following his actions all the way till we were hanging off the ceiling like bats. "You already know chakra control, impressive. Should of expected that considering your going to be in the anbu sometime this month." Tenzō sensei says with his eyebrows raising with a tiny smirk on his lips.

"Well of course Tenzō Sensei. Who do you think I was? Some ninja that had no idea about chakra control?" I ask with a slight amused voice and smirk on my face. Seeing Tenzō look back at me with a smirk on his face he release from the wall and lands back on the ground perfectly. Copying his actions I landed in front of him. "The reason I stopped you before you decided to go all ninja on me is because you can just call me (Y/n) or a appropriate nickname."

Seeing his eyes widen and his lips turning up in a weird smile he places a hand on his chin in thought. "I already have one in mind, but just to be sure we'll go to the training grounds now."

Standing at attention I salute Tenzō sensei, "sir, yes sir!" Seeing his hand drop from his chin he lets out a little chuckle at my actions.

"Lets go (Y/n)," seeing Tenzō walk past me his arm brushing my shoulder as he passes by me I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

This is so stupid of me, how is Kakashi going to react when he finds out I joined the anbu with out asking him? Will he raise all hell? Or will he be okay with it?

Turning on the ball of my feet I quicken and widen my strides to match Tenzō sensei's. The silence as we walked together was comfortable, not awkward at all. After walking together for awhile we approach the training grounds. Scouting out the area to see if anyone was here I quickly notice someone on the last training ground. At least five other training grounds apart.

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