Chapter Thirty Eight: Friends

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Sighing I look down at my feet again, in defeat I raise my right hand I had covered with my glove.

"Please don't freak out about this Kakashi. It might just temporarily here okay?" Taking my other hand, I remove the glove to reveal the tattoo that appeared from my dream with Orochimaru. "This is the tattoo I had in my dream with Orochimaru, that day I ran out. And it just somehow appeared on this hand only. There aren't any other tattoos on my body, so this just might be a starting point." Lifting my gaze to meet his, I see his brow furrows in confusion.

"That doesn't make sense," Kakashi mumbles to himself as he took his hand from my waist to grab ahold of my marked hand. "These are ancient tattoos, they come from a shinobi who was said to be even more powerful than the sage of the sixth paths. Though those are just myths, fairy tails, it doesn't make sense as to why you have these markings on you. Especially if you just landed in this world." My heart beat picking up in pace, I take a look down at the tattoo.

"S-so what your saying is.. I have a tattoo that isn't actually possible to have? And that the dude that had these markings, was even stronger than the Sage of Sixth Paths?" My words being only a little bit above a whisper, I find my self being pulled by curiosity to figure out the predicament I'm in. My blood pressure spiking, I feel my self slowly begin to panic. "Kakashi, oh my fuckin' ninja. This isn't what's suppose to happen! There isn't like anything like this- what are we suppose to do?" Kakashi's hand giving mine a squeeze, my eyes lift to his, to meet the most determined look I've ever seen.

"(Y/n). Breathe beautiful. Breathe. We will figure this out okay? For now I need you to focus on protecting this squad, the Leaf Village, the bridge builder, everyone. Hear me, actually hear me. We will figure this out." Kakashi kissing my forehead, rests his chin atop my head. "Don't worry about this beautiful. Just worry about being Black Ops Captain, and the small things in life." My nerves slowly calming I listen to Kakashi's soothing silk voice, as his words slowly soak into my heart.

"I have to get going," I say lightly as I let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Not just yet you don't. I am still your Sensei, and I say stay put." Laughing lightly, I move my arms to wrap around his muscular built body.

"Yes of course Kakashi Sensei, I'm sorry." Kakashi's hand gliding to my hip, he slowly rubs circles in my hip to release the previous built up tension.

"So. How was Naruto when you went to go see him?"

"You know him. Always working so hard to keep up with the rest of us. Especially Sasuke and me. That's what I find rather admirable and likable about him so much. He works so hard, even though many despise him in the village.. he's someone I think, could be the pillar of hope in this vengeance filled world." My words slowly gliding out of me, my heart skips a beat as Kakashi slowly pulled his chin off mine, and separated both of us just enough so I could look him in the eye.

"You too, are that pillar. Not just Naruto." His onyx eye staring deeply into mine, my breathe stops, as I formulate my rebuttal.

"Kakashi, what's one thing I have done here besides create more problems for everyone?"

"First off, you were Naruto's very first friend. He admires you the most, your his pillar that keeps him going. Second, Sasuke. Believe it or not, he actually cares about you, and that says a lot considering he doesn't care about anyone but himself most of the time. Third, Sakura. She admires you because you are the strongest on this team. You're stronger than me, Tenzō, and any other high ranked ninja currently in the Leaf Village, nevertheless your a kunoichi. Proving to all men, women, and children, that your gender, has nothing to do with your fighting skills. Not even your fighting skills, but your battle strategy is always top notch, even comparative to Shikumaru's father." Blood rushing to my cheeks, I find my self a lost for words at Kakashi's description. "Need I list more?" Shaking my head I flutter my eyes shut, as I slowly stand on my toes to give his masked lips a sweet tender kiss. My hands holding tightly onto Kakashi's vest, as our lips slowly detached from the loving embrace. A couple centimeters apart, I finally find my voice, only to have it be a whisper.

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