Chapter Thirty Seven: Lies

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A/n: Thank you for the feedback everyone! Also I'm sorry this chapter came out late I had some family affairs that I needed to attend to! I'm sorry my lovely readers but please enjoy and don't forget to give me some likes!

Rolling around on the bed I slowly breathe out. Peaking my eyes open, I look at Kakashi's sleeping form. Sighing quietly, I remove my wrapped arm from around him.

I have to see Haku today. And Kakashi can't know that I am.

Moving away from Kakashi, I hear him groan annoyingly at my movement. Turning to face me, I quickly close my eyes to act like I'm sleeping.

Please still be asleep, please still be asleep.

"(Y/n). I know your awake, you snore lightly when your sleeping. And you drool." Kakashi groggily said to me knowingly. Sighing I slowly open my left eye, and then my right to see Kakashi staring at me.

"Why do you stare at me when I sleep?"

"I can't help it, you drool everywhere. I have to know where the next attack may land." Kakashi mused.

Pouting I sit up on our bed, "jerk. I'm going." Standing up on the bed I quickly feel Kakashi grab my ankle. Looking down I crease my eyebrows together. "What?"

"I'm sorry beautiful. Just stay here."

"No, I'm going to check on Naruto. He didn't come in last night, and the sun is going to rise in a few minutes. I'm worried." I mumble out as I shake my leg to release his grip. Walking to my backpack I quickly grab my clothes. "I know he's training and everything, but he should seriously consider the possibility that he can catch a cold, or get kidnapped. Even though the kidnapper would return him, because he's so annoying." Since I'm still borrowing Kakashi's shirt, and it comes down to my knees, it's not a big deal if I change in front of him. Placing my shorts on, I strip off his shirt, an slide on my top. Bending my back, I let my long black hair hang as I take my hair and out it in my trade mark pony tail. Turning around I see Kakashi starting at me with his onyx eye.

"Be careful." Kakashi said quietly as he looked at me.

Walking over I smile and give him a quick kiss, "I will. I'm going to go do something real quick, and then I'll go out a look for Naruto. Go back to sleep." Walking away I give a little wave before going into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I give my self a thumbs up at my perfect ponytail. Picking up my toothbrush I brush my teeth. Taking my other hand out I put on deodorant. Rinsing my mouth, I walk back into the squads room, I swiftly grab my kunai holder and pouch. Closing the doors behind me as Sasuke and Sakura slept soundly. Leaving Tazuna's house I slowly approach where I left Naruto to train, only to find Haku there as well.

I thought the sun had completely risen when he found Naruto.

Approaching quietly, I squat down and stare at Haku, until he notices my presence. Haku eyes shooting up at me, he quickly pulls out a senbon throwing it. Dodging the throwing needle, I smile at him as he realizes it was me. Laughing lightly I lift a hand and shoo away the mistake.

"I didn't know that's how we say hello now Haku." Letting a mocking smile etch on my face, I slowly place my hand on my kunai holder. Haku's eyebrows raising, we both stare at each other, before breaking into a crazy laughter. Getting up I step over Naruto's body and sit down next to Haku. Not waiting I quickly give him a bone breaking hug. "Ah, it's nice to have friends." Feeling Haku physically tense, I slowly let go as I pull him at arms length. Still holding onto his shoulder firmly. My happy facial expressions, immediately turning to confused ones. "Did I say something wrong?"

Haku shaking his head no, his long black hair shadowing his movements. "No. I've just, never had someone say I was a friend of theirs before. It made me.. happy."

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