Chapter Three: Death is inevitable

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Hey! I hope u like this chapter and let me know and grammatical issues and everything else!

IMPORTANT: That's how your eyes look,


"No way, hold up. Who said I was done talking to you, Yoko?" I scream fixing my gaze on the cage in front of me. "We need to talk, so get your butt back here!" After screaming at this supposed spirit fox, all I hear was a low and menacing growl and his heavy paws walking back towards me. Only to have his claws from his paw come and try to smash me like a bug.

"I neither have patience nor time for you," Yoko said to me after retracting his paw away from me. "So make it quick before I have more of a desire to kill you." Taking a few steps back from the cage I begin to speak.

"You said lord fourth sealed you in me, but how? This is my first time being here- in this world or dimension. All I'm saying is I'm confused." With my eyebrows furrowing I begin to unfold my arms from around my chest.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out. This race of beast I am, has no loyalty. Alliances are formed strictly to gain power." He said lastly to me, while he shut his eyes and faded away. "Neither friend or foe (Y/n), if you die, I die. So I'll lend you some of my chakra to keep your worthless human life afloat." As those words slipped out I saw red chakra starting to leak from the cage and surround me. All the chakra started tunneling through me and slowly, but surely being absorbed into my body. While the chakra was flowing into me, I felt a sudden surge of power and strength. Never have I felt so strong before. Closing my eyes with a smile on my face I begin to think about my body and the real me. Once I reopen my eyes I find my self laying down on a hospital bed with my leg in a cast and my other scratches having stitches and being patched up. Turning my head to the side where the door was I see Kakashi and Lord third talking quietly. Then I see Ino's father come and approach me slipping between lord third and Kakashi.

"Well, well, Look here, she's awake now," said Inoichi stopping in his tracks. Turning around to face Kakashi and the Hokage. "Guess I'll have to go through her mind when she's conscious, and not sleeping." Old man Hokage turning and his eyes staring at me suspiciously, he held that all with a smile on his lips. Almost as if he knew I wasn't dangerous, but he wanted to take precautions.

Clearing my throat to begin to speak, I lock eyes with the Hokage, "excuse me, Lord Hokage. May I speak with you before Mr.Inoichi prys through my brain. It's really important and I think only you should know." Saying that Kakashi, Inoichi, and the Hokage's eyes widen.

Oh fuck, I said his name! I'm so dead.

Hearing someone clear their throat I look up to see Lord Hokage nodding his head and taking out his pipe from his mouth.

"Yes, you two may wait outside," he said taking a glance at Kakashi and Inoichi. Then settling his eyes on me, "we have a lot to discuss."

"Lord Hokage, I don't think that's a wise decision I mean she could be a threat." Inoichi said reaching out his hand in a stopping manner as he explained the position he would be putting himself. Old man Hokage gave him a stiff glance.

"Are you doubting me as Hokage?" Lord third said, his face as serious as ever. "She is just a child, and if anything I can take care of her myself." After that Mr.Inoichi pulled back his hand and nodded.

"Yes of course. Excuse us, sir." With that Kakashi and Inoichi opened the sliding door and then closed it, waiting outside in the hall.
Old man Hokage then stalked toward my bed and stood a good amount of distance away from me, but not to far away. "So Miss (L/n), what is it you'd like to discuss with me?" He said as his eyes settled on my (e/c) one's.

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