Chapter Nineteen: Pass or fail

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Gasping I sit up straight in my bed as my hands shot to clutching my stomach. Looking down examining my self I notice that everything was the same. With my still shaken self, I look at the clock on my dresser to see it's six fifty. Ten minutes before the time I planned getting up and going to the training grounds. Swinging my legs off to the side of the bed I begin to stand only to collapse onto the ground.

"Why am I so shaken? Kakashi wouldn't do that to me!" Pushing my fists on the ground, I slowly start pushing my body up. Finally managing to stand back up I walk over and change into my regular outfit. Going through my same old routine with hair brushing and hygiene stuff, I walk into my kitchen. Looking through my cabinets to search for something to eat, all I see are left over crumbs of crackers.

"Guess I'll have to go to the Dango shop before taking the test." Leaving my kitchen I snatch my key off the counter and make my way to the front door. Slipping on my sandals I quickly open my door, locking it behind me before running over to the dango shop. Running into a few civilians on the way I decide to just start walking at a normal pace a block before the dango shop. It's not my fault that when I'm hungry and your in my way your going to get hurt. Food deprivation for me is like saying you don't need oxygen to breathe. So, I'm a food girl, I don't really care what people think about me. Finally reaching the dango shop I smile before entering through the door with a little chime at the top, letting the workers know they have a customer.

"Hey (Y/n)! It's been awhile, do you want your usual or want something new?" Issei asks with his trade mark side brushed black hair from behind the counter giving me a smile as I sat down on the barstools in front. Nodding with a smile he scribbled it down before heading back to the kitchen. Sitting there I hear the chatter of people surround me in the shop. Zoning out I see dangos placed in front of me, looking up I smile at Issei apologetically.

"I only asked for two dangos, why are there four?"

"On the house. You seem like you need it, you looked a little out of it. And nothing makes people feel better than our dangos!" Seeing his hand reach over the counter he pats my head, giving me a smile with his brown eyes staring at me. "Your always here too, so why wouldn't we help you out?" Laughing I give him a real smile that spreads across my face like a plague.

"Your awesome Issei! I've got to go now, but don't worry I'll eat all these on the way!" Leaning over the counter I place a friendly kiss on his cheek as goodbye. Even though he's sixteen years old, he's still cool and I consider him family. At home when we had family gatherings we always said hello and goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. Not waiting for a response I quickly grab the dangos and walk out making my way to the training grounds. Munching on the way I mange to eat all of them with still room to spare. Passing by a trash can I throw out the sticks and the napkin, shoving my hands in my pockets the rest of the way there I let my once hype self mellow down. Finally approaching my team I see them all look at me irritated and ready to die of exhaustion and hunger any minute now. Laughing at them I shoot them my trade mark smile.

"Like I said, should've slept in and ate well before coming here." Feeling someone grab the collar of my shirt shaking me, I open my closed eyes and look at a fuming Sakura.

"You're late (Y/n)!" Sakura and Naruto yelled at me as Sasuke looked away annoyed at my tardiness. Lifting my hand from my pocket I take Sakura's hands off me.

You can be my friend, but there's an extent to how much you can push my buttons.

"First off, I don't see Kakashi sensei here so that must mean I'm still here on time. Second, if he was late meeting us yesterday, why would he be on time for the test? Third of all, like I said you should sleep in and eat a lot of food. A ninja should be able to see through deception, which you guys obviously can't." Finishing off my list of reason I place my weight on one leg and prop one hand on my hip looking at them bemusedly. Seeing Sakura sweat drop at my response and sassiness she turns around almost as if she's dead. Sasuke turned away from his annoyed expression to look at me oddly, as if he figured out I wasn't from here. Naruto just looked at me in shock and looked away plopping on the ground.

Forbidden lovers | Kakashi Sensei x student reader |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang