Chapter Eighteen

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It had been a week since he came back.

A week and Percy had barely gathered any new evidence.

That was all thanks to these obnoxious people he was stuck with.

The Avengers.

They wouldn't leave him alone.

Especially Thor.

Admittedly, Thor was one of the nicer ones, but he was still a god and Percy refused to become aquatinted with him. Percy had this one last mission and then he was leaving this all behind.

But it was getting harder and harder to avoid them.

The group of mortal heroes began waiting for him at breakfast, hovering outside his door 'subtlety' and outright following him. Stark's AI JARVIS didn't benefit him either.

Percy scowled and ducked around the corner as he noticed Tony whistling while walking down the hallway. He narrowed his eyes, feeling completely unimpressed as the billionaire's eyes wandered around the halls, probably searching for him.

Occasionally Percy would get caught, but he would expertly remove himself from the situation. Some methods may have been slightly... unorthodox, but they worked nonetheless.

As the day wore on, Percy decided to go to the kitchen. It was unlikely that at this time of the day any of the Avengers would be in there. He'd skipped on breakfast to avoid them and the hunger was beginning to get to him, having skipped dinner as well.

Upon entering the kitchen he was instantly suspicious.

Sitting on the open table, was a plate of cookies.

And they were blue.

Now they're trying too hard. Percy thought, eyes narrowed and instantly alert. When did they even discover his weakness?

Percy was well aware this was a trap. But at this stage he didn't care either. If those cookies were the real deal, they were his.

He picked up a cookie and nibbled on it.

They were real. They were blue cookies made specially by his mother.

How did they get their hands on these?

Percy didn't know, but he wasn't complaining either. They could capture him for all he cared. So long as he got his cookies. It was like a slice of home, and he certainly needed that.

There had only been three cookies on the plate to begin with. Now there was one left. Just as Percy reached for it somebody else's hand shot in and stole it from him. Percy hadn't realised it, but he let his guard down.

"That's mine." Percy glowered.

"Not anymore pipsqueak." Tony smirked, waving the cookie around gloatingly.

Percy spoke as if talking to a dog. "Give."

"No." Tony's smirk grew.




"Nuh-uh." Percy lunged at Tony. The billionaire staggered back in surprise, letting go of the cookie. Percy used his keen reflexes to catch the blue baking from heaven and stuffed it all in his mouth.

"Mine." He said around a mouthful of cookie, spraying crumbs everywhere.

Tony looked disgusted but satisfied all the same. "And three, two, one."

Percy couldn't figure out what Tony was counting down for until he was overcome with a wave of dizziness. The room spun. He couldn't say he wasn't expecting it, but not quite this strong.

"Sorry." Tony didn't sound sorry at all.

Percy blacked out as he crashed to the ground.


It was quite some time before Percy came to. He groaned. Whatever had been put into those cookies was leaving him with a headache. His vision blurred as he clumsily sat up.

Percy was in a giant room which probably covered a whole floor in Stark's tower. He already knew any exits were locked. Not only that, but there were only two of them, both of which were guarded. Not that that could stop him if he truly wanted to escape.

"Afternoon Sleeping Beauty. Welcome to your Combat Trials." Tony announced dramatically, gesturing around the room. It was set up in stations. Each space had a weapon or course of some sort. "You don't get to leave until you're finished, so I suggest cooperating."

Percy rolled his eyes and sighed. "Whatever."

Just get this over with.


That moment when you're sick, but you only have two tissues left...

On a scale of 1 to Rick Riordan, how much of a troll would you consider me to be if I left this book on a cliff hanger and made you wait for book two?



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