Jayce turned his face to look at me and he walked over to me, smiling. The girl turned her body as she watched Jayce walking over to me. "Amelia, love. You're finally here. I want to introduce you to my sister and her mate, Alpha Dylan and Luna Erisa of the Silver Light Pack" Oh, I thought Leah is his only sister. The girl, who I may know now as Luna Erisa walked over to me and said, "Hi, you must be Amelia, my brother's mate"

I nodded at her and she said, "Well, it's finally nice to meet you. I'm glad that my stupid brother finally found his mate and with that, he can now stop going around with random girls" I chuckled and said, "It's finally nice to meet you too. I didn't know he had two sisters" She raised one eyebrow and glare at Jayce.

Jayce's eyes grew wide open and I bit my lower lips to hold my laugh. "You didn't tell her about me?! How dare you! Is it because you forgot about me? I'm hurt!" she said. She slapped Jayce's arm playfully and turned her face to the door.

I turned my body, curious to see who's coming and saw Leah walking into the office as she closed the door behind her. She had a wide smile plastered on her face after her eyes landed on her sister, Erisa. "Erisa! Oh my god! You're here!" she said as she ran over to Erisa and hugged her. Leah turned her face to Jayce and asked, "Where's Erick?"

"I'm here!" a guy with dark brown hair said as he walk into the office. He turned his face to look at me and said, "Oh, who's this? Are you-" He was cut off by Leah as she said, "She's Jayce's mate. Don't think about it, Erick" Erick smirked and walked over to me. What's with this guy? And who is this guy anyway?

I took a step back and Alpha Dylan said, "Dude, stop it already. You're scaring her" I turned my face to look at Alpha Dylan and he stood from the couch as he walked to Erisa's side. "Wow Jayce You have a very pretty mate and she-" Erick was cut off by someone growling. Jayce stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. Erick chuckled and Leah shook her head.

"So, Erick, I'm going to introduce you to my bestfriend or should I say future sister in law?" Leah said and I shot her a look. She chuckled and continued, "Her name is Amelia. Also, I just want you to be nice to her and don't think of flirting her or you'll regret it. She's also Blake's little sister and I just want to tell you to be careful because Blake is protective of her. Also, don't be an idiot and disturb her. Oh right, she's strong, so don't try to beat her. One more thing, if we're having a party, don't you dare to ask her to dance with you or make her drink alcohol"

I blinked my eyes and Erisa said, "I agree with Leah! No boys can touch her!" Jayce turned his face to Erisa and said, "Agreed" Did they just- Gosh, these people. "Oh? You agree with that? What I mean by boys is that all boys, including you" Erisa and Leah said at the same time. I bit my lower lips and laughed. Jayce shot me a look and I stopped laughing.

Leah raised one eyebrow and said, "Oh, Jayce. What did you do to her that makes her stop? She seems to be afraid of you. No! Did you- You didn't hurt her did you?!" I chuckled and shook my head. I didn't know that Leah are protective over me.

Jayce rolled his eyes at Leah and I said, "You guys didn't tell me or introduce me who he is though" They all looked at me and chuckled. "This is Erick, my twin brother. He's older than me. Oh right, he's a player too, just like Jayce. That's why we gave him warnings" Erisa said and I smiled.

"We will be having a party maybe next two days and don't worry about your dress. Felicia, Rose and Alexia already bought them for you. They'll help you get ready for the party" Leah said. Wait what? Why are they setting up a party? I looked at Jayce and Leah, curious on why are they setting up a party.

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