He talks about your sex life

Start from the beginning

Shawn: He talked to Hayes about it.

"Do you want-" Shawn sharply cut Hayes off his voice filled with hatred "I don't want anything you can offer me." Hayes widened his eyes and held his hands up defensively. "Dang man what's your deal?" Shawn sighed running his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry Hayes but (Y/N) is driving me insane lately." Shawn stood up off the couch and paced back and forth impatiently. "What's wrong with her?", Hayes asked a little confused. Shawn loves you and has almost never complained about you before. "Nothing, that's the problem. Everything she is doing lately is perfect and just turns me on. She is driving me sexually insane Hayes. I want her so bad." It was killing Shawn, because despite his hormones you two have yet to sleep together. He wasn't sure what to or if you would be up to it.

Jack G: He talked to Sammy about it.

"I'm so tired man." Jack fell onto Sams couch a little dramatically. They had been out all day meeting fans but Sam was still full of energy. "It didn't take that much energy, you took pictures with girls all day. You should be grateful." Sam sat down next to Jack, moving his legs off the couch. "I was up all night", Jack said and Sam instantly smirked. "(Y/N) keeping you up all night aye." Jack glared at Sam unamused and sent him a fake bitter laugh. Sam better not be thinking about you in that way. "Actually", Jack sat up running his hands through his hair, "She's more of a quickie in the morning gal. Maybe a blow-job at night." Sam rolled his eyes scoffing. He knew you weren't like that, Jack wishes.

Aaron: He talks to Shawn about it.

"What in the world is this." Shawn walked into the living room drawing yours and Aaron's attention toward him. In his hand he held an open condom package. You looked at Aaron amused and he just shook his head. He quickly got up and went toward Shawn, snatching it from his hand. "It's a condom package. Not like you'd ever need to use one." You mocked Shawn with a smirk on your face. He flipped you off then looked back at Aaron. "Seriously, it was in the dining room, people eat in there." Aaron laughed nodding, "Oh yes they sure do." At that you blushed embarrassed.

Matt: He talked to Nash about it.

"You're extra happy today." Nash looked at Matthew a little curiously. "Yeah well you know (Y/N) came in last night. She's out there right now", Matt said referring to the Atlanta crowd waiting for them. "Yeah, but you look extra extra happy. Like you tapped it happy." Matthew looked at Nash his eyes widened. "Oh my god", Nash put his hand over his mouth in shock, "You did didn't you. You slept with her?" Matthew jumped up looking around frantically. "Nash shut up", Matthew gritted quietly through his teeth. "Ok ok but how was it?" Matt rolled his eyes pushing pass him. "Oh Matt come on. I would tell you." He sighed shaking his head at Nash. "It was fan-fucking-tastic but don't tell her I told you alright."

Jack J: He talked to Taylor about it.

You cradled Jacks lap, him lying under you. You kissed his lips then pulled away at the sound of the door opening. You sighed, mentally cursing at yourself for not locking the door. Jack frantically sat up but you didn't move off his lap, they all knew you and Jack were physical. Taylor stopped dead in his tracks when seeing you two. He then laughed and rolled his eyes. "We're you two-" You threw a pillow at him stopping his sentence. "Get out Taylor." Jack groaned, his head falling back down onto the bed. "Ok ok, but just use protection." Jack snapped at Taylor annoyed "We always do now get out." Taylor put his hand up defensively. "Well someone is a little eager." Jack rolled his eyes and looked over at his friend, a deadly stare in his eyes. "More than a little eager. It's been awhile. We- " You covered Jacks mouth sending him a look as you removed yourself from his lap. He groaned of irritation at the lost of your touch. "We don't have to explain ourselves to you. Please get out." You grabbed Taylor's wrist and pulled him with you out the door. You went to shut it but he held his hand up against it before it closed. You looked at him fully and utterly irritated, you honestly really needed Jack right now. "Just be a little more quite this time. You guys are usually so loud." You slammed the door ignoring his remark and locked it behind you. Time for Jack.

Sammy: He talks to Jack Gilinsky about it.

You waved goodbye to Jack who sat across the living room. You then leant down and gave Sammy a kiss goodbye. As you went to walk away Sammy smacked your butt playfully. You rolled your eyes and Smirked, you didn't turn back around to him. "You smack like a Girl babe", you said continuing to leave. You heard Jack laugh from inside the living room. "Well I didn't want to hurt her. I like her ass." Sammy said to Jack, you now gone and unable to hear him. "She's got a nice one", Jack agreed , "have you-". Sammy interrupted him, already knowing the question. "Yes, we've done it every way imaginable including that."


{I wrote this a Long time ago but something went wrong when I updated it and it became its own book. So I thought I lost the chapter but I was going through my notes and found it woah. I just had to add Sammy and here ya go.

~G }

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