You Talk About Marriage

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Wow these are long and suck, sorry

Cameron: " So", Cam looks over at you in the car for a a moment, drawing you away from your phone. "Yeah?", you question. He looked a little nervous, his eyes on the road but dying to look at you instead. "Do you ever want to get married?" he rambles the sentence out a little fast, you were not sure if you had heard him right. Marriage... his voice cuts off your thought ."I don't mean like us specifically. Just in general, do you plan to ever get married during your life, like have you thought about it?"

Yes, you have but only a little. Marriage isn't exactly your number one thought, you are too young for that. But, it has crossed your mind a few times. "Yes, a little.", you replied. He nodded looking at you again for a split second before Turing back to the road "And? What are your thoughts?" You didn't want to exactly tell Cameron, it was a personal thing. But then again, You two have been dating for almost two years now. If you were going to ever marry someone, it's looking like it would be Cam. "I want to get married, having someone to spend my life with sounds amazing. I have full belief in love and marriage, but I am deathly terrified it doesn't believe in me. I've imagined my wedding before, and I can see the people around us, my groom at the end of the aisle, pretty much everything; except I can't see me. Seeing myself getting married just seems like a dream that will never be put to reality for some reason." Then you silenced yourself, regretting you let the words slip. Cameron was silent for a few minutes, you were scared that you had been to open and deep with him about it. Then, he reached over taking your hand in his. "Babe, I swear to you, maybe not now, but one day, you will get married. And the guy waiting for you at the end of the aisle will be the luckiest man to ever live."

Hayes: You and Hayes lied quietly in bed. You two had just moved in together about two months ago. It was a good idea at the time, you two had been dating for nearly two years now and both needed a new place. You had been fighting a lot the past week though about the littlest things. Hayes was just flipping out all the time and you didn't know why, but you decided your were about to find out. "Hayes?" Your voice was quiet, almost childlike. You felt him turn over to look at you in the bed but you remained facing the wall. "Yeah?" He didn't even sound the least bit tired, clearly you both had been deep in thought the last ten minutes of silence instead of sleeping. "Why are you blowing up about everything lately. I really want to work this out but I don't even know what I am doing wrong, you as just getting angry all the time." You tried to sound caring rather than judgmental because you didn't want him to maybe get mad again. He sighed loudly next to you but said nothing. "Hayes are you-" You cut you off , but it was a soft voice rather than a loud sharp cut off like he had been giving you lately. "It's not you, Im just scared." What? At that you turned over in bed to meet his eyes. The room was dark, but the moonlight shined through the blinds an it was just enough light to see his beautiful blue eyes looking back at you. He was breathless. "Scared of what?" He licked his lips and closed his eyes, trying to divert your gaze. "The future.", he said. You wanted to comfort him but you had no idea what he was getting at. "What about the future?" It was silent for another minute or two but you didn't push him, it was going ok so far. The most communication you had got from him in two weeks. Suddenly you felt his cold hand take yours, he ran his thumb over your ring finger and whispered the word "Marriage."

You felt literally your whole body freeze. Marriage? Was he scared of marriage or did he want to get married? "What's the problem with it?", You croaked. He opened his eyes and pulled away from you, sitting up in bed. "We already live together and that's next right. Marriage. Honestly I'm scared for that. We are young ok and I do love you truly, but I'm not ready for that. That's a life-bound commitment. So I guess the past weeks I've just been thinking about it a lot and I don't know, I'm becoming too paranoid and blowing up I guess." You wanted to say something to him but honestly you didn't know what to say that would calm him down. Instead you scooted closer to him, and pulled him down into you. He was hesitant but compelled and you ran your hands through his hair, setting your head on his chest. It was silent, just his confession hung in the air for a few moments. You knew you needed to say something back, so you said something simple yet intently true to fix the problem. "Hayes, I love you really I do. And, living with you is going to be great. We can make our own course though ok. We don't have to get married soon just because we have been together for awhile. I'm not in any more of a rush to get married than you are. Take your time ok, I promise when you decide that you are ready I will still be here. I'll wait forever if I have to ok."

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